The justification of the place fresh air intake for ventilation systems industrial plant


  • C. Z. Polishchuk Dr. Sc. (Tech.), prof., Ukraine
  • A. О. Antonov pg stud., Ukraine
  • V. Y. Moroz pg stud., Ukraine
  • I. A. Trofimova pg stud., Ukraine
  • M. V. Bordun pg stud., Ukraine


air, pollutant, surface concentration, temperature, emissions, ventilation


Abstract. Goal. Justification of the choice of fresh air intake for the ventilation system taking into account the location of emission sources of ventilation systems, and background concentrations of contaminants in the area of the site. Technique. Research methodology is based on the basic provisions of assessing the impact on the environment during the design and construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (DBN A. 2.2-1-2003), the method OND - 86 recommended by the Ministry of Ukraine for use in the calculation of dispersion of harmful substances into the atmosphere from emission sources. Numerical calculations are carried out using software МАТСАD. Results. The investigations of study to choose their intake of fresh air ventilators, taking into account the location of emissions sources of exhaust ventilation and background concentrations of pollutants in the vicinity of the working area. Scientific novelty. Conducted research which take into account the configuration of the industrial plant, which led to the adoption of the two Rozrahunkova schemes in the study. Practical significance. Ensuring sanitary and hygienic requirements to quality of atmospheric air ventilation.

Author Biographies

C. Z. Polishchuk, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), prof.

Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Educational Establishment “Ptydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24A Chernyshevsky St., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine tel: +38 (056) 756-34-92

A. О. Antonov, pg stud.

Department of water supply, drainage and hydraulics, State Higher Educational Establishment “Ptydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24A Chernyshevsky St., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine tel: +38 (0562) 47-02-79

V. Y. Moroz, pg stud.

Department of technology of building materials, components and structures, State Higher Educational Establishment “Ptydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24A Chernyshevsky St., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine

I. A. Trofimova, pg stud.

Department of technology of building materials, components and structures, State Higher Educational Establishment “Ptydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24A Chernyshevsky St., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine, +38(0562) 46-93-76

M. V. Bordun, pg stud.

Department of Reinforced Concrete and Stone Structures, State Higher Educational Establishment “Ptydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24A Chernyshevsky St., 49000, Dnipro, Ukraine, +38(0562) 47-03-19


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction