Research the influence of the wind speed and direction on the ground concentrations of pollutant by the example dnepro city
atmospheric air, pollution, maximum allowable concentrations, meteorological factors, wind speedAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Analysis of statistical data of stationary observation posts, determination of the relationships between concentrations of pollutants and priority wind directions, determination of the most favorable conditions for dispersion of emissions in the surface layer of atmospheric air. Methodology. To monitor and control the quality of atmospheric air as the main regulatory indicators that determine the permissible effect of air pollution on humans, Ukraine has adopted the maximum permissible concentration of atmospheric pollution of chemical, biological and physical origin. Preventing the appearance of short-term increases in the concentrations of pollutants is ensured by observing the values of the maximum one-time maximum permissible concentrations. The basis of the method for studying data is data on atmospheric air pollution and meteorological characteristics of the study area. Various methods of statistical analysis of actual pollution data are used: the multiple regression method, discriminant analysis, etc. Findings. The processing of data on emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of the city of Dnepr in the period 2008-2015 was carried out. Correlation analysis of time series of dust, nitrogen dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, phenol, formaldehyde, and meteorological factors was performed. The presence of a statistically significant relationship between such pollutants and meteorological factors has been established. The least influence is the wind speed. With increasing humidity, there is a tendency to reduce the concentration of dust, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and to increase the concentration of hydrocarbon oxide. The most significant is a meteorological factor such as wind speed, while the direction is less important, since it can vary throughout the day. Originality. Meteorological conditions are defined that favor the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. Practical value. The results obtained can be used to develop measures to improve the monitoring system for atmospheric air, and also take into account when issuing permits for emissions, based on wind directions and the location of the source of emissions.References
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