Conducting repair-renovation works in emergency buildings with application of special elevatortransport machines and equipment
carrying out special types of work, an extreme situation, lifting machinery, emergency repair work, tactical and technicalAbstract
Annotation. Purpose. Increasing the safety of work with the use of lifting and handling equipment. Methods. When carrying out research, the theory of optimal (rational) solutions with a qualitative objective function is applied when creating technical means of working at height and constructing an algorithm for tactical support to them, in particular, to special hoisting and transport machines (SHTM). Results. The conducted researches showed that the maintenance of emergency recovery work in emergency buildings during the collapse of building structures require operational decisions taking into account the safety of their maintenance. Taking into account the need for separate cases of dismantling of building structures or their strengthening, the use of special types of lifting and transporting machines is proposed. The proposed facilities provide for the delivery of goods to any necessary point of a building or structure for the performance of restoration works. On the basis of the studies carried out, many solutions were obtained for this tactical task for a multi-storey building. The conducted researches showed that for safe operation it is necessary to make a reasonable choice of operational data on an emergency situation (the presence of people on the roof of the building is established, information on its number, meteorological conditions, geometric characteristics and other controllable and uncontrolled parameters of the task is collected). Scientific novelty. On the basis of the studies carried out, regularities in the delivery of the necessary cargoes have been established, taking into account the technical characteristics of the SНTM facilities and their location relative to the facility, which makes it possible to use the software to make optimal (rational) decisions when eliminating extreme situations with the destruction of building structures, buildings and structures. Practical meaningfulness. Practical recommendations on the application of tables and nomograms of the use of the SНTM in the operational and tactical situation of an emergency situation in high-rise buildings and high-rise buildings are given. Experimental and industrial tests of a number of technical means during complex exercises have allowed to reduce time, provide expediency in unforeseen circumstances at liquidation of consequences on the destroyed objects.References
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