Green design in the concept of sustainable development of modern cities and towns


  • Tetyana Tkachenko Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Prof, Doctoral Student., Ukraine
  • Viktor Mileikovskyi Ph. D (Civil engineer), Associate Prof., Ukraine


sustainable development, green building, green construction, modern city, environment, energy efficiency, concern for future generations


Abstract.  Purpose. Defining the role of green structures in the sustainable development of modern cities. Methodology. Based on the analysis of literary sources, domestic and foreign experience of the implementation of green designs, as well as the author’s experience of design, creation and operation of green roofs and experimental studies of the elements, the charts of the role of green construction and green structures in the sustainable development of modern settlements is proposed. At that, the main directions of scientific research of green structures to improve the efficiency of their use is defined. Results. In this work, «green structures» means architectural-construction elements, combined with live plants: roof greening, façade green blocks, vertical gardening, ecoparking, green slopes. Green structures fit into the modern concept of sustainable development due to the possibility of effective use in green construction of modern settlements. These structures are one of the directions of solving the key tasks of green construction: improving the environment state, energy efficiency, concern for future generations. Design of green structures should be guided by the principle from the particular to the general, that is separate building – green street – green area – green city. Green structures improve the energy efficiency of buildings. First of all, they provide additional insulation. Therefore, they should be used in places of the greatest heat loss in buildings: the roof and the northern façades of buildings. A chart for the role of green construction in the concept of modern cities and territories is developed, on the basis of which the place of green structures in the sustainable development of cities is defined. Studies of thermal processes in green roofs are being carried out, as a result of which recommendations will be proposed to optimize the location of greenery parts of the structure and control the circulation of air on green roofs. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is defining the place and the role of green structures in green construction of modern settlements within the concept of sustainable development.  Practical significance. The practical value of the work is developing methods and solving problems by using green structures for improving the environment, energy efficiency and safety of human life.

Author Biographies

Tetyana Tkachenko, Ph. D. (Biology), Associate Prof, Doctoral Student.

Department of Labour Protection and Environment Control, Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture, 31 Povitroflotskyi ave., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine, phone +38 (066) 529 91 36

Viktor Mileikovskyi, Ph. D (Civil engineer), Associate Prof.

Department of  Heat, Das Supply and Ventilation,  Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture, 31 Povitroflotskyi ave., Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine, phone +38 (044) 228-42-47, +38 (094) 828-42-47


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