Microclimate of traditional ukrainian apartment


  • O. V. Tkast st.teacher, Ukraine
  • Ya. S. Nesterov stud., Ukraine
  • N. W. Parkhomenko stud., Ukraine
  • V. A. Kutsy stud., Ukraine


Ukrainian house, Ukrainian folk habitation, microclimate, еcological house.


 Annotation. Raising of problem. The problem of providing of comfort microclimate in the traditional Ukrainian apartment  includes the necessity of setting of norms of all of parameters of air environment. An internal environment of apartments is the difficult system of natural and artificial creation of environment a man. The improvements of unfavorable мicroclimatic terms in housings apartments arrive at the complex of general plan, build and antisun measures by the use. It both planting of greenery and character of their building, and other factors. It should be noted that a large role is herein played by the proper heating of apartments and their ventilation. By a very important problem in creation of comfort there is a problem of maintainance of cleanness of air of these apartments in housings apartments. Purpose. To conduct research of improvement of quality of microclimate of apartments. Conclusions. Foreground job of modern building is a task of providing of acceptable climate of apartments, that such microclimate, when in an apartment absent рollutants  is known in dangerous concentrations, set plenipotentiary organs. The purpose of building building consists not in beautiful architecture – and it must be beautiful, not at original and reliable build constructions – and they must be original and reliable, but a purpose of building of buildings is in that, to create in the limited space, that in apartments, microclimate, comfort for a man or necessary for a technological process.

Author Biographies

O. V. Tkast, st.teacher

Department of Ukrainian Studies, State Higher Educational Establishment “Pridneprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo street, 24-а, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine, phone +380970715079

Ya. S. Nesterov, stud.

State Higher Educational Establishment “Pridneprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo street, 24-а, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine, phone +380679965833

N. W. Parkhomenko, stud.

State Higher Educational Establishment “Pridneprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo street, 24-а, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine, phone +380664878396

V. A. Kutsy, stud.

State Higher Educational Establishment “Pridneprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernishevskogo street, 24-а, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine, phone +380663687626


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