Research of the process neutralization of acid waste water based on the numerical model
alkaline and acid waste water, neutralization, impurity concentration, numerical model, computer experimentAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. The development of a numerical model for the study of the wastewater neutralization process, which considers the parameters of sewage and neutralizer input: the type and concentration of acid contaminated with industrial wastewater, the rate and regime of waste water supply for neutralization, the type and concentration of the neutralizer. Assessment of the change in acid concentration in wastewater under the influence of a neutralizer: identification of sites where complete acid neutralization occurs or «stagnant zones» are observed. Methodology. The method is developed for numerical calculation the acid concentration in wastewater under the action of a neutralizer (alkali), which is based on the joint solution of the hydrodynamic problem of determining the velocity components of a moving fluid and the problem of impurity transfer (acid or alkali). The solution of the hydrodynamic problem is based on the numerical integration of the equation for the velocity potential, and the solution of the impurity transfer problem is the numerical integration of the equation of convective-diffusion impurity transport using implicit difference schemes. Findings. Computational experiments were carried out on the basis of the developed numerical model. As a result of the performed calculations, the fields of acid concentration in the purification tank were obtained and visually represented, when it was filled with sewage water over time. The change in the concentration of the acid under the action of the neutralizer is shown with different variants of its supply (one source of the neutralizer supply or two), a comparative analysis is carried out, and the patterns of acid concentration change in the received wastewater are established. Originality. An effective numerical model is proposed for calculating the processes of hydrodynamics and mass transfer in an installation for neutralizing acid waste water. The model allows to take into account a number of important factors that were not taken into account in the mathematical modeling of the neutralization process: the shape of the container, the presence of additional elements (local constrictions), the position of the holes for the supply of sewage and neutralizing solution. Practical value. A numerical model has been developed that makes it possible to optimize the process of neutralizing industrial wastewater containing alkalis and acids that are formed in the technological processes of many industries.References
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