Design of decorative and protective systems of buildings from autoclaved aerated concrete taking into account the parameters of comfort, environmental friendliness, economy and durability
walls of buildings, autoclaved aerated concrete, protective systems of buildings.Abstract
Annotation. Purpose: The external walls, made of autoclaved aerated concrete, should provide the required parameters of the microclimate of the premises while maintaining and maintaining the walls of buildings with the lowest economic costs for maintenance and repair in a condition suitable for operation. The purpose of the work is to identify the destructive factors affecting autoclaved aerated concrete, the mechanism of their impact and the rationale for the design and installation of decorative protective systems for the walls of such buildings. Technique: expert analysis of the influence of destructive factors on the durability of autoclaved aerated concrete with the use of physical chemistry, chemistry, fracture mechanics, building physics, etc. Calculation of thermo-technical parameters of the wall structure using a mathematical apparatus. Results: on the basis of understanding the processes of destruction of the wall structure, the necessity of applying decorative protective systems for the walls of buildings made of autoclaved aerated concrete, taking into account the parameters of comfort, environmental friendliness, economy and durability is substantiated. Scientific novelty: The mechanism of destruction of a wall structure made of autoclaved aerated concrete under the influence of destructive factors (humidification and drying, freezing and thawing of moisture in the material, osmotic phenomena, corrosion processes, etc.) is considered. Practical significance: Based on the analysis of the wall structure made of autoclaved aerated concrete, recommendations to builders and designers on the need for the installation of decorative protective systems for the walls of such buildings are justified.References
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