Geliocollector–energy active fence as an element of buildings’ climatization system


  • L. V. Nakashydze PhD, senior scientific researcher, Ukraine
  • M. V. Shevchenko


renewable energy, energy active fence, geliocollector, lamella-absorbers, air layer, air-conditioning system


The aim is to define design features of geliocollector, that is intended not only to convert efficiently renewable energy and to redistribute it for the effective functioning of the air-conditioning (power) structures. A methodical approach that is the basis of constructive solution is founded on reducing heat loss due to the energy active fence while increasing adaptability and ease of installation. Results. It is proposed to use a new type of energy active fences for the conversion of renewable energy in the power supply systems. The main structural elements of energy active fences are bearing wall, insulation layer, the outer layer of air (where are lamella-absorbers) and a transparent outer protective insulation layer. In proposed new construction lamella-absorbers are made of heat-conductive material of pipes, in which coolant circulates. To them profiled edges are attached by methods of welding, soldering or mechanically. Such profiled edges are made of heat-conductive material and covered by heat absorption covering. They are also connected (through welding or brazing, or mechanical means) to vertical or special profile collectors (depending on installation requirements). Collectors are the pipes, in which coolant circulates. The peculiarity of these collectors is that at least one of them is the pressure, and at least one is reversible. Scientific novelty is that the power supply system with the developed energy active fences can operate in three modes depending on the ambient temperature and the level of incoming solar radiation. Cold period mode occurs at insignificant levels or complete absence of incoming solar radiation (night or cloudy day), when the temperature in the seasonal heat accumulator is higher than the outside temperature. The transition mode occurs at insignificant levels or complete absence of incoming solar radiation (night or cloudy day), when the ambient temperature is higher than the temperature in the seasonal heat accumulator. Warm period mode occurs when sufficient solar radiation when the ambient temperature is higher than the temperature in the seasonal heat accumulator. The practical significance of the proposed geliocollector (energy active fence) contributes to saving of traditional energy resources through rational consumption of solar energy and can be used in new construction and the renovation of existing housing stock.

Author Biographies

L. V. Nakashydze, PhD, senior scientific researcher


M. V. Shevchenko

Dnipro national university named after Oles Gonchar Gagarina ave, 72, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49050


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