Rationale the efficiency of refrigerating machines


  • M. M. Lyachovetskaya-Tokareva PH.D. (TECH.), Ukraine


refrigeration system, heat exchange, evaporator.


Abstract. Purpose. The aim of this work is the reduction of overall energy requirements of refrigeration and refrigerating plants by optimizing these settings. To achieve this goal the proposed use of the known physical dependency with the use of modern technology regulation. Methodology. Parameters must be set: temperature of evaporation and condensation refrigerating machines; power consumption compressor chillers as a function of condensing temperature and download installation; changes in the performance of the evaporative cooler on heat transfer depending on the enthalpy of the air; the power consumption of pumps and fans; download installation; operational limits of the plant; the mutual influence of the above parameters. Findings. During the study of various energy conversion processes there is a need to evaluate the thermodynamic efficiency of the processes and the sources of loss in them. To do this, use thermodynamic method – exegetically. To presents the results of the energy studies for refrigerating machines with different condensing temperatures. Originality. Optimal scheme in regulation needs is to consider these dependencies in order to minimize the power consumption of all the drives of compressors, pumps and fans. However, it is necessary to take operational limits of the various components of the installation. Using computers is calculated the energy optimum. Practical value. Thus, it is possible, depending on download install for variable temperature, to determine the optimal temperature of the cooling water. Then, when it can be applied to minimize the overall power drives for compressors, water pumps and tower fans chillers. This optimization is implemented in a closed loop through the use of the regulatory system from the computing machine.

Author Biography

M. M. Lyachovetskaya-Tokareva, PH.D. (TECH.)

Department of heating, ventilation and quality of air environment, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine,                               tel. +38 (0562) 47-16-00


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