Main parameters and their influence on the energy efficiency of residential buildings of various numbers of floors
energy efficiency, heat losses, number of floors, density coefficient.Abstract
Annotation. Formulation of the problem. The development and improvement of the energy efficiency concept of residential and civil buildings has become extremely relevant over the last several years. The reason for this is a constant increase in tariffs for utilities, as well as energy and has become one of the main directions for the construction industry development. A lot of attention with the new construction, repair or reconstruction of an existing building is paid to the accounting and saving of input energy resources. In European countries the development of standards for the level of energy consumption reducing has begun as early as the end of 1970 through enclosing structures and vented air. According to the decisions of the European Parliament to the December 31, 2020, all newly erected buildings in the EU should correspond to the level of energy consumption minimum or zero, in addition the most part of the houses energy consumption should be consumed from a renewable energy source. The heat is usually lost through the enclosing structures, resulting in inefficient thermal insulation and irrational use of already heated ventilated air. About 40% of all heat energy is spent currently on the existing housing stock servicing. Purpose of the article. With the use of model representations, the calculation of heat losses of residential buildings of various numbers of floors has been made with the variation of design parameters: number of floors, floor height, column spacing, glazing area, with the norms permitted by the standards.References
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