Calculation of buildings of social housing by a deformation method based on time factor with using transformed diagram of concrete deformation


  • A. U. Bolotov PhD student, Ukraine
  • A. A. Karpenko PhD student, Ukraine


Social housing, housing policy, prefabricated houses, calculation of reinforced concrete frames, the time factor, long-term load, the deformation method, concrete stress-strain diagram the variable stiffness.


Annotation. In most countries of the world, housing policy is one of the important areas of public policy and the constant acute public debate. The growth in construction in recent years, the majority of the population, especially its unprotected strata, are actually unable to improve their living conditions in any way because of the high cost of housing. The creation of social housing should be one of the most important areas of Ukraine's housing policy, a key factor in the social protection of those segments of the population who need government support. The most important economic condition for the success of the social housing construction program - the minimization of its cost price - will dictate the requirements for both the choice of the location of its construction and the structural systems, floors, construction materials used, etc. The second important problem of creating social housing is providing assistance to people affected by manifestations of natural or man-made impacts, or military actions in the east of the country and completely lost housing. The problem is an essential social task of the state. Solving the problem requires the creation of two building systems. The first should ensure the creation of temporary housing in extremely short terms. The second is the rapid construction by industrial methods of primary housing provided to the victims on the basis of the state subsidy. At the same time, houses for permanent residence, even in conditions of limited construction time, should not only be quick-erect, but also in accordance with the requirements of the current building standards for strength, durability, energy efficiency, comfort, environmental friendliness, architectural expressiveness, etc., as well as climatic, Geological and other features of the construction region. While calculating such schemes of social housing buildings among the listed construction conditions, it is necessary to take into account the duration of use. Therefore, the strength of social housing designs with long-term load effects, taking into account the transformable concrete deformation diagrams, becomes very important.There are many approaches to solve the task. Many of them have their pros and cons. In our case, the most appropriate and logical method is to calculate frame structures by displacement using the deformation method with variable stiffness rods through the use of transformable strain diagrams of concrete. This method gives full freedom in solving the problem of redundancy and the direct calculation of elements section. Such approach helps to solve the problem despite the type of load and / or their combination.  In order to calculate the flat frame in nonlinear installment by iterative method with adjusted variable rigidity in sections of crossbar and uprights we are using an algorithm for solving systems of nonlinear equations for concrete estimated sections equilibrium using the deformation method through the use of transformable strain diagrams of concrete. Conclusions. The comparative analysis of four CS and the calculation of variable-rigidity frame structures using timevarying diagrams of concrete deformation make it possible to use the load-bearing capacity of structures as efficiently as possible while reducing production costs and to obtain results with high accuracy. The frame system allows you to freely use the internal space for organizing the planning of an individual house. The panel options create a more "rigid" planning structure, but sufficient for the primary provision of housing to an average family. Increase in the potential resource for the use of load-bearing structures.

Author Biographies

A. U. Bolotov, PhD student

Department of the Structures Reliability, State Enterprise «The state research isntitute of building constractions» 5/2 Preobrazhenska str., 03037,  Kyiv, Ukraine, phone +38 (044) 2493775

A. A. Karpenko, PhD student

Department of the Structures Reliability, State Enterprise «The state research isntitute of building constractions» 5/2 Preobrazhenska str., 03037,  Kyiv, Ukraine, phone. +38 (044) 2493744


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