Estimation of intensity of thermal radiation on workplaces with the use of universal normograph
safety of working conditions, normograph, intensity of thermal radiation.Abstract
Abstract. Aim. Improvingthe safety of working conditions in workplaces with increased thermal radiation. Methodology. The normograph allows one to determine the intensity of thermal radiation at workplaces is builtat carrying out experimental measurements in production conditions and theoretical calculations. Results. The conducted researches showed that at the workplaces of hot industries, metallurgical complexes and construction industry considered above, a special nomogram and software was created to increase the safety of inspection of working conditions from thermal radiation. This made it possible to determine the intensity of thermal radiation at workplaces by only one or two measurements at a safe distance from the source of thermal radiation for the researcher and obtain a spatial characteristic of the thermal fields of the source of excess thermal radiation. Scientific novelty. A method for estimating thermal radiation in the workplace has been developed for the first time on the basis of research. Practical significance. Amethodologywas developed and a normograph was built as a result of experimental and analytical studies. Alsowas createdsoftware that allows to determine the intensity of thermal radiation at workplaces.References
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