To the question of the impact of excessive heat on the human body
life activity, excessive thermal radiation, intensity of heat flowAbstract
Abstract. Aim is to provide safety of life in workplaces with increased heat radiation. Methodology. The experimental standard methods and proposed by authors approacheswere used at carrying out researches of excessive thermal radiation on workplaces estimation. These researches reduced measurement error of 2 to 5%. Results. The carried out researches have shown that at the workplaces of hot industries, metallurgical complexes and construction industry considered, the efficiency of reducing the harmful factor from thermal radiation is achieved through the use of a complex use of heat-reflecting shields, as well as their combined application. Scientific novelty. A new approach has been proposed in the creation of effective protective devices with allowance for the spectral component of IR radiation for the first time on the basis of researches of the effectiveness of protective materials against the influence of IR radiation, their reflectivity and throughput. Practical significance.A technique for measuring the intensity of heat flow at workplacesis proposed.Proposed instruments providing allows measurements of the heat flow intensity from 10 W/m2 and up to 20.000 W/m2 with a spectral capability of measuring from 0.76 μm to 10 μm, resolution of 5 W/m2 with a measurement error of not more than 5%.Experimental setup for the physical modeling of thermal stress in workplaces with intense heat generation has been developedas a result of theoretical researches.References
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