Research and analysis of work of mobile stand for production of wall panels


  • A. V. Adegov Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D, Ukraine
  • V. V. Kolokhov Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D, Ukraine
  • S. V. Gavryluk Master's degree, Ukraine


panels, stand, temperature fields, design, building, concrete constructions, technology of acceleration of hardening


Annotation. Aim. The analysis of efficiency of building of one and two-storeyed houses from three-layered of wall panels of factory-made showed that, in the cost accounting substantial part makes transport charges, and similarly charges are related to providing of activity of plant. For the decline of prime building price, and similarly taking into account finely the rangeability of production and individual character of constructions for one and two-storeyed house-building, technology is developed out of plant production of wall panels, and similarly technology of acceleration of hardening of concrete on a site area. Methodology. The decision of the put problem is executed by the calculable design of work of mobile stand. For the design of work of stand were worked out: fundamental chart of construction of stand, warming environment and his geometrical model. The design of distribution of temperatures in the construction of stand and in the construction of concrete part of a wall panel was executed by the method of eventual elements in a programmatic complex ELCUT. Scientific novelty. The fundamental chart of construction of mobile stand and warming environment is offered for the production of wall panels in the conditions of site area. The calculable models of the temperature fields are worked out in the knots of stand and wall panels at thermal treatment of concrete constructions. Practical meaningfulness. The design of warming up and distribution of temperatures is executed in the construction of stand and formed wall panel. Time of warming up of a wall panel is certain. Power of the warm generating setting is certain.

Author Biographies

A. V. Adegov, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

Department of Thermal Engineering and gas supply, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering  and  Architecture”,  24-A,  Chernishevskogo str.,  Dnipropetrovsk   49600,  Ukraine,  тел. +38 (056) 756-34-06

V. V. Kolokhov, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

Department of technology of building materials, products and structures, State higher educational institution "Pridneprovsk state Academy of civil engineering and architecture", Chernyshevskogo str. 24 a, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine

S. V. Gavryluk, Master's degree

Department of Thermal Engineering and gas supply, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering  and  Architecture”,  24-A,  Chernishevskogo str.,  Dnipropetrovsk   49600,  Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction