The analysis of the development of premises and buildings on automotive vehicles


  • V. P. Mironenko d. arch., prof., Ukraine
  • T. A. Tsymbalova ass., Ukraine


motor vehicle c by the presence of premises, campers, trailers, sleeping in trucks.


Summary. Problem statement. Campervans and motor vehicle, equipped with accommodation, are the characteristic species in the mobile industry housing. In modern terms a mobile home mounted on a truck chassis, has acquired particular importance and has an extensive and diverse range of typological use in economically developed countries. In Ukraine, at present, the use of motorhomes, affordable for the mass consumer, not widespread. Aim. To identify characteristics of the use of mobile housing mounted on automobile vehicles, based on the study of historical and contemporary experience. Analyzing of the resent research. In the research on the topic of mobility housing were considered such issues: the principles of dynamic adaptation of the architectonic space to the changes of the environmental conditions, in particular in terms of autonomy and development of the extreme regions [4]; trends of mobile recreational dwelling and the definition of types of architectural and structural systems in Ukraine [6]; the questions of formation of a mobile home for a temporary stay, especially in conditions of shift work in the harsh climatic conditions of the North, as well as conceptual proposals for the establishment of mobile settlements of the future [2]. It seems reasonable to explore the use of mobile housing technology, using road transport. Conclude. Constructive-technological features of the car residential technologies allow to use them widely in the organization of labor and of recreation and tourism migration processes.

Author Biographies

V. P. Mironenko, d. arch., prof.

The Department of design of architectural environment, State higher educational institution "Kharkiv national University of construction and architecture", Sumskaya str., 40, 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine

T. A. Tsymbalova, ass.

Department of architectural design and design, State higher educational establishment "Prydniprovska state Academy of construction and architecture", Chernyshevsky str., 24-a, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov