Nanomodified gypsum binder
nanotechnology, gypsum binder, Taurit, additives plasticizers, properties, impactAbstract
Summary. Statement of the problem. Trends in the development of nanotechnology in the field of construction aimed at the development of products with improved quality and functional characteristics, improved utilization of existing materials. Gypsum binder in comparison with others is more environmentally friendly and less dangerous for the workers. Therefore, the deficiencies of gypsum binder, will expand its scope and improve a number of technological factors. Goal. Obtaining gypsum binder with high strength characteristics. The methodology of the research. When conducting research using the standard methods of determining the properties of the gypsum binder. The primary material. The most effective among the studied is the additive sica Viscocrete G; since there is a significant plasticizing effect with a significant increase in strength characteristics (bending strength 70% compressive strength 40%) and sufficiently slow setting time – 12 to 29 minutes (end of setting). Taurit is a natural polymer of the cluster type, having in its structure both organic and mineral parts that are not similar to the already known fossil based carbonaceous minerals. Despite the increase in vodopiyanova relations, introduction to composition Taurito leads to an increase in strength. It should be noted that the introduction of the compositions of the Taurito allows to obtain an absolutely smooth surface of the samples without visible to the naked eye since. Conclusions. Introduction to the composition of the gypsum binder additives plasticizers can significantly reduce vedogiovane attitude. Add to compositions of modified binder Taurito leads to a slight (2%) increase water gupsum relationships and increase strength. On the basis of the obtained results was determined the optimal compositions of modified gypsum binder.References
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