Influence of macrostructure of pipe castings from the centrifugal cast steel 40х25н20с2 on the mechanical properties under different temperatures
centrifugal casting, macrostructure, mechanical propertiesAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Study of the influence of technological factors and macrostructure of centrifugally-cast billets from steel 40H25N20С2 on the mechanilal properties under different temperatures. Methodology. Macrostructure of pipe castings from steel 40H25N20С2 produced by horizontal centrifugal casting machines was analyzed. The influence of parameters of centrifugal casting on the character of macrostructure was investigatedMmechanical tests under different temperatures were carried out. Findings. It was shown the influence of parameters of centrifugal casting and dendritic macrostructure of pipe castings from steel 40H25N20С2 on the mechanilal properties. It was fixed that more propitious is the dispersed transcrystalline macrostructure of pipe castings. The parameters of centrifugal casting ensuring formation of dispersed transcrystalline macrostructure of pipe castings were determined. It was shown the influence of parameters of centrifugal casting and macrostructure on the mechanical properties of pipe castings under different temperatures. Originality. We discuss the processes of macrostructure formation of pipe castings from steel 40H25N20С2 under different conditions of centrifugal casting and their influence on the mechanilal properties. Practical value. The obtained results allow to produce centrifugal castings from steel 40H25N20С2 with raise mechanical and service properties.References
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