Development of a new system microalloyage steel for high-durable railway wheels
all-rolled railway wheels, chemical composition of steel, operational defects on the rolling surface, carbonitride hardeningAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Development of a new microalloying system for railwheels with a high level of technical and operational properties. Methodology. Analytical studies, smelting of small ingots in laboratory conditions, microstructural studies using light microscopy. Results. Analytical research of the influence of the chemical composition and various methods of hardening on mechanical properties and the formation of a structural state are performed. It is established that to achieve high operational stability of railway wheels, it is necessary to create steel with a carbon content of up to 0.6% and hardening of steel using several methods. One of the most effective directions is the formation of a structural state with the presence of refractory dispersed particles, while dispersive and grain-boundary hardening are involved. In the laboratory, ingots of small volume (up to 10 kg) of steel, microalloyed Al-Ti-N system are produced. Originality. A perspective direction has been established to change the chemical composition of steel for railway wheels, which can provide an increase in their technical and operational properties. Practical value. The technique of smelting nitrogen-containing steels in laboratory conditions is worked out, taking into account the following factors: the size of pieces of nitrided ferroalloy; conditions for the introduction of nitrided ferroalloy; preliminary deep deoxidation of the melt; achieving the required melt temperatures; optimal duration of exposure after the introduction of ligature.References
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