Mathematical modeling of austenite transformation kinetics during cooling of lowcarbon steel considering the effect of strain


  • A. I. Trotsan Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof, Ukraine
  • V. V. Kaverinsky Ph.D., Ukraine
  • G. A Baglyuk Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof, Ukraine
  • Z. P. Sukhenko


mathematical modeling, phase transformations, austenite steel, deformation


Annotation. Purpose. A study of high-temperature deformation of low-carbon steel impact on the kinetics of austenite transformations and a structure formation at different cooling rates using computer simulation. Methods. The main research tool is a physically based computer model describing the kinetics of austenite transformation in steel during cooling. As research material selected low-carbon steel 15. Findings. Here was modeled a process, describing the transformation kinetics of austenite in arbitrary composition steels, allowing also qualitatively and quantitatively predict the metal structure formation. Using as an example a lowcarbon low-alloyed steel the feasibility of the model to predict the impact of pre-high-temperature deformation on the steel structure during the phase transformation was demonstrated. It was shown an increasing of ferrite transformation rate in the deformed steel which causes ferrite grain refinement and prevent a formation of low-carbon martensite in the final structure. Originality. Using a computer model quality and quantity effects austenite of pre-strain at 930 °C in the steel 15 were studied. It is found that predeformation with a degree of 50% can in the 1.5 - 2.0 (depending on the cooling rate) times refines ferrite grain size and prevents the formation of low-carbon martensite. The degree of pre-deformation effect on the kinetics of austenite transformation decreases with a decrease in the cooling rate. Practical value. Computer simulation of supercooled austenite transformation processes allows you to quickly and cost-effectively get the information necessary for thermal and thermo-mechanical processing technologies development and improvement. In particular it is shown that when the formation of martensite and bainite structures in the conditions of accelerated cooling is not desirable, preliminary deformation of a low carbon low alloyed steel at a temperature slightly higher than A3 can significantly reduce their quantity while significantly (up to 1.5 – 2.0 times) ferrite grains refinement.

Author Biographies

A. I. Trotsan, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof

отдел износостойких и коррозионностойких порошковых конструкционных материалов, Институт проблем материаловедения НАН Украины, ул. Кржижановского, 3, 03680, Киев, Украина

V. V. Kaverinsky, Ph.D.


G. A Baglyuk, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof

отдел износостойких и коррозионностойких порошковых конструкционных материалов, Институт проблем материаловедения НАН Украины, ул. Кржижановского, 3, 03680, Киев, Украина

Z. P. Sukhenko

отдел износостойких и коррозионностойких порошковых конструкционных материалов, Институт проблем материаловедения НАН Украины, ул. Кржижановского, 3, 03680, Киев, Украина


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov