Improvement of technology of repair works for continuing the life cycle of operation of roll coating
roof, repair, laboriousness, cost, aerator, roof cowlAbstract
Annotation. Purpose. The article describes and analyzes the architectural and constructive solutions to residential and civic buildings in Ukraine. Particular attention was paid to their homes with a combined roofs Most of these houses in operation for about 40 years. Therefore, almost all of these buildings are in poor condition communication system as well as the roof. That last issue highlighted in this article. On the territory of Ukraine are engaged in repair of high-rise buildings housing maintenance office or a progressive association of co-owners of an apartment building. These organizations have limited opportunities due to lack of funding. Methodology. The authors conducted monitoring of repair technology and the effectiveness of the repair was assessed a 13-minute block of 4 sectional houses. It is found that almost 90% of the repaired portions cease to function properly after 2 years. From the above, there are a few problems, it is the imperfection of technology of repair, or technological irregularities in carrying out repair work. Monitoring the progress of the authors of repair work on the test sites, revealed a number of shortcomings in the organization, implementation and quality control of roll roofing repairs. It was found that in most cases caused bubbles in the carpet just ruberoidnyj pierced, pressed and glued a new layer of roofing material. Drying and gluing the damaged area to the cement-sand screed is not performed. In fact, the repair was limited to gluing an additional layer without elimination of local damage and blistering. On the objects on which the observations were made, carried out an analysis of labor costs and the cost of work. Collecting the statistical information held by counting 140 labor sites. The problem of wet and frozen to the roof insulation was considered, which is not replaced during repair. Practical value. The technology is proposed and the expediency of using this technology of repair of combined roofs is proved on the basis of technical and economic comparison of work execution options.References
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