Transformation of ε-martensite in auustenite fe-cr-ni steel under the influence of temperature and deformation
austenite, -martensite, -martensite, magnetic susceptibility, chromium-nickel steelAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. The behavior of the formed - and - martensites in austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni steels under the influence of temperature and deformation is investigated. Methodology. To find the specific magnetic susceptibility, a magnitometric weighingmachine with a microprocessor system was used. A low amount of - martensite (from 0.005%) was determined by a sensitive magnitometric method. This method the effect of the magnetization of the paramagnetic matrix takes into account. Findings. A phase transition of the first kind of deformed austenite in simultaneously appearing - and -martensites at a certain uniaxial plastic deformation by compression was detected. The phase transformation according to scheme ) (max0 is realized (where: 0 initial state of fully austenitic steel, intermediate values of deformed austenite, max maximum value of deformed austenite). This phase transformation by a jump in the specific magnetic susceptibility from max to the total value of )( is determined (where: , and specific magnetic susceptibilities of deformed austenite , - and – martensite, respectively). Originality. For steel 10Х16Н13, the temperature and deformation regions of the existence of martensite were detected. In this steel, during plastic deformation, structural-phase transformations and changes in the atomicmagnetic state of austenite due to distortion of the fcc lattice occur. Practical value. The above results for studying the effect of the -phase on the mechanical and service properties of austenitic Fe-Cr-Ni steels can be used.References
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