Obtaining details from titanium alloys by additive methods
additive technologies, titanium alloy, surfacing, structure, microhardnessAbstract
Annotation. Purpose. Investigation of the structure and microhardness of a sample obtained by the additive surfacing of a powder of a titanium alloy VT20 on a substrate of the alloy VT1-0. Methodology. Installation for surfacing type SV-212M. The powder of the titanium alloy VT20 is a non-spherical particle shape, fractions -160 + 40 μm. The structure and microhardness were studied. Findings. Electron-beam surfacing of VT20 alloy powder is carried out. The size of the transition zone, which was 4 mm and the microhardness of 2000-3000 MPa was established. The absence of discontinuities in the form of layer-by-layer non-melting of the powder is established. The structure of the deposited layer was found to be of the 4-th type according to the 9-type scale of microstructures (GOST 26492-85) with microhardness of 3000-3600 MPa. Originality. A bond between structure and microhardness was established for the VT20 titanium alloy deposited by additive technology in domestic conditions. Practical value. The additive surfacing in the domestic conditions of samples of the titanium alloy VT20 is realized.References
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