Mechanical properties and structural applications of metals and alloys


  • Yu. Ya. Meshkov Dr. of Tech. Sci., Ukraine
  • А. V. Shiyan Dr. of Tech. Sci., Uzbekistan


deformation resistance, breakresistance, load-bearing capacity, stress concentration, structural suitability.


Abstract. Purpose. The aim of this study was to prove the feasibility of using the metal structural suitability of the concept for a specific product on the principle of achieving its maximum structural strength (bearing capacity) due to the rational combination of the base of the complex mechanical properties. Methodology. An analysis of previously obtained by the authors of the experimental data on the study of patterns of connection parameters carrying capacity of notched σNF with basic mechanical properties of steels of different strength level σ0,2. Findings. It was established that the main feature of the structural suitability of the alloy for the product bearing a certain power load σNF, provides adequate resistance alloy harmful effects of nonuniform force fields (stress concentrators) that can lead to premature failure of the product, which is protected by special metal property – deformation resistance Br = SK/σ0,2. It is shown that the optimal structural suitability of the alloy is achieved with the critical value Brb, corresponding to the maximum possible for the product bearing capacity σNFmax. Originality. For the first time in materials offered quantifiable parameter Pme, indicating the extent of the permissible margin (secure) power overload products with non-uniform strain distribution on the nature of the working cross-section near the stress concentrator. Practical value. The traditional engineering calculation of permissible loads in the design of products can be supplemented by a preliminary calculation of the main indicators of the mechanical properties of the metal, which excludes the possibility of realizing a fragile type of failure with loss of strength of the product in case of extreme overload during operation.

Author Biographies

Yu. Ya. Meshkov, Dr. of Tech. Sci.

Corresponding Member of NAS of the Ukraine

А. V. Shiyan, Dr. of Tech. Sci.

G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of NAS of the Ukraine, 36, Vernadsky av., 02142, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Статья рекомендована к публикации д-рами техн. наук, В.И. Большаковым и Д.В. Лаухиным (Украина)





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov