Influence of isothermal soaking temperature on the segregation and mechanical characteristics of chromomagnetic cast iron
chromomagnetic cast iron, structure, phase composition, properties, degree of segregation.Abstract
Annotation. Purpose. Influence of alloying elements and their redistribution between phases and structural components, depending of isothermal soaking temperature in chromomagnetic cast iron on micromechanical characteristics for the prediction of wear resistance in service. Methodology. The object of investigation in this work were the samples of experimental-industrial melting chromomagnetic cast iron. Cast iron was subjected to austenitization at 950°C for 1 hour with further isothermal soaking at 550°C, 500°C, 400°C, 350°C, 300°C, 250°C, 200°C , 150°C for 24 - 40hrs temperatures. The distribution of alloying elements between phases and structural components of chromomagnetic cast iron in the cast state and after isothermal soaking were studied by means of electron microscope JSM-840 with the system of microanalysis “Link - 860/500”. Identification phases in the investigated cast irons were carried out by x-ray analysis on the diffractometer DRON - 3M in FeК radiation. Chromomagnetic hardness of cast irons in the cast state and after isothermal soaking were determined by the Rockwell method. Findings. Complex of investigations showed that the phase, structural transformations and phase separation processes, developing in chromomagneetic cast iron during isothermal soaking in the temperature range from 200 to 550ºС, increase the microhardness and mechanical characteristics of the matrix, micromechanical characteristics of the carbides are reduced in comparison with cast state. Originality. It was established that the level of hardness of chromomagnetic cast iron in the cast state and after isothermal soaking is defined as the degree of alloying matrix and degree of alloying eutectic chromium carbide and due to the phase transformations of supercooled austenite. Practical value. Understanding of the phase transformations mechanisms and structural changes associated with phase separation processes, and obtaining quantitative regularities describing the formation of structural components when insulated shutter speeds will allow you to control the structure and properties, and to predict the durability of chromomagnetic cast irons products.References
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