Numerical simulation of heat transfer process plastic windows in modern building


  • V. A. Kostin Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Ukraine
  • І. І. Аlekseenko JR. Sc. (Tech.), Ukraine


metal-plastic windows, temperature, heat transfer, COMSOL Multiphysics, heat transfer coefficients, the equivalent thermal conductivity.


Annotation. Purpose Building a computer model and carrying out calculations of temperature fields in PVC windows, depending on the profile of the characteristics and the type of materials used. Methodology. Simulations were conducted for onechamber profile with a single glass, single-chamber profile with glass of the two glasses the space between them was filled with air and 3-chamber profile with double glazing filled with nitrogen. As the metal profile has been selected - aluminum (AD1 ) gaskets - EPDM rubber (peroksidalno crosslinked ethylene-propylene-diene rubber prepared synthetically), inserting - polyamide. For the computer simulation used the settlement package COMSOL Multiphysics. To calculate the effective heat transfer coefficients and thermal conductivity within the profile of the window using the approximate equations for closed cavities. Findings. The numerical modeling of the energy efficiency of plastic windows showed that most of the heat-resistant windows are considered threecompartment windows with second glazing filled with air. The use of plastic windows can reduce the temperature drop in the interior living spaces from 10 ° C to 1.5 ° C at ambient temperature - 40 ° C. Originality. It was found that the most energy efficient of those surveyed in this study have windows 3-chamber plastic windows windows which fill the vacuum. Practical value. The results of the computer simulation showed the possibility of using the settlement package COMSOL Multiphysics analysis with energy efficiency using modern plastic windows. Estimated program as a standalone application can be used in the civil construction and the development of new high-efficiency building designs and construction of the facility.

Author Biographies

V. A. Kostin, Dr. Sc. (Tech.)

Отдел физико-химических методов исследований материалов, Институт электросварки им. Е.О.Патона, ул. Боженко, 11, 03680, Киев-150, Украина

І. І. Аlekseenko, JR. Sc. (Tech.)

Отдел физико-химических методов исследований материалов, Институт электросварки им. Е.О.Патона, ул. Боженко, 11, 03680, Киев-150, Украина


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov