The justification of scandium selection for microalloying and modifying of high-strength aluminium alloys


  • N. E. Kalinina Dr. Sc. (Tech), Prof., Ukraine
  • O. P. Yushkevich Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Ukraine
  • V. T. Kalinin Dr. Sc. (Tech), Prof., Ukraine
  • M. V. Grekova Appl., Ing., Ukraine


aluminum alloy, scandium, modifier, structure, mechanical properties.


Abstract. Purpose. The substantiation of the scandium selection for microalloying and modifying of  high-strength aluminum alloys. Methodology. The material of the study was a high-strength aluminum alloy V96Z1 of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu system. Scandium was chosen as a microalloying and modifying element. The Al-Sc state diagrams and the physical-mechanical properties of Sc was studied. The modes of heat treatment of alloy V96Z1 with 0.3% of Sc were given. The structure and mechanical properties of the modified alloy were studied. Results. The carried out complex of studies confirmed the modifying effect of Sc in the Al-melt, the injection technology of Sc into the melt has been worked out, the amount of Sc was optimized. Based on the analysis of the Al-Sc state diagrams, the homogenization temperatures of aluminum alloy V96Z1 quenching and aging  with optimization of the bars cooling rate were chosen. The grinding of grain in 2.5 times was achieved in the modified blanks, and the strength properties of the alloy were increased. Originality. The substantiation of Sc as a microalloying and modifying element for the aluminum alloy V96Z1  is justified from the point of view of  its physico-chemical nature conformity and aluminum-based alloys properties. Practical value. Establishing the technology of scandium injection into the melt and the temperature-time parameters of the bars thermal processing made it possible to obtain a dispersed structure and a high complex of the alloy V96Z1 mechanical properties.

Author Biographies

N. E. Kalinina, Dr. Sc. (Tech), Prof.

Department of  Production Technology, Dnipropetrovsk National University. O. Gonchara, Gagarin Avenue, 72, 49010, Dnipro, Ukraine,

O. P. Yushkevich, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.

Department of  Mechanotronics, Dnepropetrovsk National University. O. Gonchara, Gagarin Avenue, 72, 49010, Dnipro, Ukraine

V. T. Kalinin, Dr. Sc. (Tech), Prof.

Grekova M.V. Appl., Ing.

M. V. Grekova, Appl., Ing.

State Enterprise Design Bureau " Southern " to them. M.K. Yangel, Dnipro, Ukraine


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov