Analysis of the structural features in zinc electrocoatings exposed to a minor force influence during their phase formation
electrochemical phase formation, zinc, structure, force influence, liquid stateAbstract
Annotation. Purpose. Experimentally verify the existence of the phenomenon of electrochemical phase formation in metals via a supercooled liquid state stage. Verification carry out on the basis analysis of structure features which were the general for zinc coatings exposed to a minor physical or mechanical force influence during their electrochemical phase formation Methodology. The investigations were performed on samples of zinc electrodeposited under physical influence by a centrifugal force and under mechanical influence by a friction force. The methods of scanning electron microscopy and profilometry were used. Findings. The general structural features of zinc electrocoatings which are shown during a minor force influence on the zinc being electrodeposited independently of the nature of force influence are established and analyzed. These features consist in smoothing out of the coatings surface morphology and reduction in their roughness arising from an exposure to a minor force influence parallel to the crystallization front. Originality. The obtained experimental results prove the existence of the phenomenon of electrochemical phase formation in metals via a supercooled liquid state stage. Practical value. The established data are the basis for producing zinc electrocoatings with improved properties.References
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