formation of structure and properties in pressing ti3al-2.5v titanium alloy tubes
titanium alloy Ti-3Al-2.5V, microstructure, mechanical properties, pressingAbstract
Abstract. Ti-3Al-2.5V titanium alloy pipes are used in the hydraulic systems of the airplanes of Boeing, Airbus and other leading companies and require high performance properties, therefore the role of technological processes of their manufacture is increasing. Pressing as one of the stages of manufacturing pipes made of titanium is considered in this paper. Objective. To determination of the characteristics of the formation of the structure and mechanical properties of Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy pipes at the pressing stage. Methods of research. The microstructure of metal with the use of optical and scanning electron microscopes is studied. The investigations are performed in backscattered electrons by means of scanning microscope. The mechanical properties have been studied on circular specimens in the longitudinal and transverse directions under tension in accordance with ГОСТ 1497-84. The Brinell and Rockwell hardness was also measured in the longitudinal and transverse directions in thickness. Results. The data on the formation of structure and mechanical properties for the extrusion of Ti-3Al-2.5V alloy pipes are obtained. Anisotropy of mechanical properties, heterogeneity of the structure associated with the temperature-deformation parameters of the process and, probably, with heredity after forging in the extruded tubes are observed. Scientific novelty. Regularities in the formation of the structure and properties of Ti3Al-2.5V alloy pipes during the pressing process are defined. The development of the processes of dynamic recrystallization and the formation of heterogeneous, variegated structures and the anisotropy of properties are shown during pressing. Practical valuee. Based on the results obtained, temperature-deformed hot pressing modes are recommended for the production of pipes in industrial conditions.References
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