The investigation of interaction conditions in intermetallide systems under non-stationary temperature processes


  • Y. A. Belokon Ph. D.,, Dr. student, Ukraine
  • A. A. Zherebtsov Senior Lecturer, Ukraine
  • K. V. Belokon Ph. D.,, Ukraine
  • A. A. Cheylitko Ph. D.,, Dr. student, Ukraine


SHS-reactions, thermal combustion, intermetallides, Ti-Al alloys, Ni-Al alloys, Semenov’s criterion, initial temperature


Annotation. Purpose. The determination of critical conditions for transition to combustion in intermetallide systems under selfpropagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) conditions with changeable parameters, which determine process conditions. Methodology. The intermetallide systems Ti-Al and Ni-Al were chosen for the study. As a criterion for a thermal explosion, Semenov's criterion was chosen. The software for engineering and mathematical calculations SciLab was used for numerical calculation. Findings. A numerical analysis of the ratio of the calculated Semenov’s criterion and its critical value showed that the investigated reactions can be divided into two groups. The first group includes systems in which the Semenov’s criterion is below its critical value (Se <Secr). The second group includes systems for which the Semenov’s criterion is equal or exceeds the critical value (Se≥ Secr). Originality. For intermetallide systems Ni-Al and Ti-Al the dependencies of the calculated Semenov’s criterion on the initial synthesis temperature are established. Practical value. It was established that preheating is necessary to carry out the synthesis of titanium aluminide. The calculation showed that to reach the synthesis temperature of the combustion regime in the Ti + Al system it is needed to preheat up to ~ 100 °C (378 K).

Author Biographies

Y. A. Belokon, Ph. D.,, Dr. student

кафедра металлургии, Запорожская государственная инженерная академия, пр. Соборный, 226, 69006, Запорожье, Украина

A. A. Zherebtsov, Senior Lecturer

кафедра естественных наук, Запорожская государственная инженерная академия, пр. Соборный, 226, 69006, Запорожье, Украина

K. V. Belokon, Ph. D.,

кафедра прикладной экологии и охраны труда, Запорожская государственная инженерная академия, пр. Соборный, 226, 69006, Запорожье, Украина

A. A. Cheylitko, Ph. D.,, Dr. student

кафедра теплоэнергетики, Запорожская государственная инженерная академия, пр. Соборный, 226, 69006, Запорожье, Украина


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Scilab. The official site of software for numerical computation:





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov