The model of the superdeep penetration of microparticles into a metal target at supersonic speeds


  • O. S. Baskevych Ph. D., Senior Fellow., Ukraine


Super–deep penetrating, structure, viscidity, the fine structure, a dept penetraing, time of relaxation


Annotation. Purpose. Creation of the mechanism and model the dependencies between the sizes of microparticles of a micron size, and depth of the ultradeep penetration into a steel target at its bombardment with micro–particles with velocities 1–3 km/s. Methodology. As materials for the study were selected: tool steel R6M5. Studied the structure, fine structure and elemental composition of the targets before and after bombing. A joint analysis of the thermodynamic, hydrodynamic and quantum mechanical calculations with the aim of establishing models of superdeep Printania microparticles. Findings. The complex of theoretical and experimental studies have shown that in the bombardment of metal msenv microparticles with sizes up to 100 µm occurs microsecond a sharp decrease in the viscosity of the metal based on the phenomena of quantum mechanics. Scientific novelty. It is established that during the bombardment of the metal microparticles, which fly at supersonic speed occurs microsecond viscosity loss in metal target for a certain interval of sizes of microparticles. Practical value. Understanding of the mechanisms of ultradeep penetration of microparticles will create for the industry new structural materials with unique properties.

Author Biography

O. S. Baskevych, Ph. D., Senior Fellow.

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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov