Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering <p>Collection of scientific papers was founded in 1998 and is published in the SHEE "Przydniprovs'ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", which according to annex No. 12 to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 16.05.2016 No. 515 is included in List No. 1 of scientific professional publications of Ukraine, where the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Engineering Sciences and Architecture are published.</p><p>Due to the growing of the technological progress and to concentrate the information material on thematic focus PSACEA specialized publication of "Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering" is printed on these series:</p><ol><li>"Life Safety";</li><li>"Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes”;</li><li>"Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management";</li><li>"Lifting and transport, construction and road machines and equipment";</li><li>"Creating of high-tech ecological complexes of Ukraine based on the concept of balance (stable) development";</li><li>"Proceedings in memory of Starodubov";</li><li> "Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction".</li></ol><div><strong><br /></strong></div><div><strong>Series: Life Safety</strong></div><p><img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/!_БЖД-2013_обложка_крив.jpg" alt="" width="200" /> </p><p><strong>Topics of series</strong> - coverage of topical issues of human health and safety, occupational health, industrial safety, civil protection, fire and ecological safety, construction processes technologies, rational use of materials in the modern construction of buildings and structures, as well as safety in the reconstruction of buildings and structures, safety enterprises, incl. of mining enterprises, urban transport. e of technical sciences results.</p><p><strong><strong>Editor in chief:</strong></strong> Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor <strong>Belikov Anatoliy Serafimovich</strong> Tel. (0562) 756-34-73.</p><p><strong><strong>Executive Secretary</strong>:</strong> <span>Candidate of Technical Sciences</span>, Assoc. prof. <strong>Kaplenko Galina Grigorevna</strong> Tel. (0562) 756-54-73, e-mail:</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong>Series: Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes</strong></p><p><img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/Инновац.jpg" alt="" width="200" /></p><p><strong>Topics of series</strong> - topical issues of energy-efficient construction and design of residential buildings with regard to their life-cycle, comfort parameters, environmental friendliness, efficiency, as well as the diagnosis and evaluation of technical condition, the forecast of durability and reliability, repair and restoration of buildings and structures of public, industrial and transport construction. centrate the information material on thematic focus PSACEA specialized publication of "Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering" is printed on these series.</p><p><strong><strong>Editor in chief:</strong></strong> <span>Candidate of Technical Sciences</span> <strong>Iurchenko</strong> <strong>Ievgeny Leonidovich</strong> Tel. (0562) 46-10-36, e-mail:</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong><strong>Series: Computer systems and information technologies in education, science and management</strong></strong></p><p><img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/Обложка_KSITESM_2014_2.jpg" alt="" width="200" /></p><p><strong>Topics series</strong> - coverage of topical issues of implementation and use of computer systems and information technology in various fields of activity related to the construction, in particular in education, science, designing and management. We discuss the use and development of computer systems and information and measurement technologies. sport construction. centrate the information material on thematic focus PSACEA specialized publication of "Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering" is printed on these series.</p><p><strong><strong>Editor in chief:</strong></strong> Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor <strong>Ershova Nina Mihaylovna</strong> Tel. (0562) 56-34-62.</p><p><strong><strong>Executive Secretary</strong>:</strong> <span>Candidate of Technical Sciences</span>, Assoc. prof. <strong>Krivenkova Lyudmila Yurevna</strong> <strong> </strong>Tel. (0562) 756-34-10, e-mail:</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong>Series: Lifting and transport, construction and road machines and equipment</strong></strong></strong></p><p><img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/88_cr1.jpg" alt="" width="200" /></p><p><strong>Topics of series</strong> - work processes intensification of lifting and transport, building and road machines and equipment. nstruction, in particular in education, science, designing and management. We discuss the use and development of computer systems and information and measurement technologies. sport construction. centrate the information material on thematic focus PSACEA specialized publication of "Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering" is printed on these series.</p><p><strong><strong>Editor in chief:</strong></strong> Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor <strong>Khmara Leonid Andreevich</strong> Tel. (0562) 56-34-29, 067-585-26-59.</p><p><strong><strong>Executive Secretary</strong>:</strong> <span>Candidate of Technical Sciences</span>, Assoc. prof. <strong>Khozhylo Maksym `Eduardovich</strong> Tel. (0562) 56-33-73, 066-898-10-01, е-mail: </p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong>Series: Creating of high-tech ecological complexes of Ukraine based on the concept of balance (stable) development</strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p> <img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/экокомплекс.jpg" alt="" width="200" /></p><p><strong>Topics of series </strong>- coverage of relevant issues of savings evaluating and reproduction of natural-resource potential ofUkraine, as well as energy-efficient construction and designing of residential buildings with regard to their life-cycle, comfort parameters, environmental impact and cost.</p><p><strong><strong>Editor in chief:</strong></strong> Candidate of Technical Sciences <strong>Iurchenko</strong> <strong>Ievgenii Leonidovich</strong> Tel. (0562) 46-10-36, e-mail:</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Series: Proceedings in memory of Starodubov</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p> <img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/Стар-2015_обложка_КРИВ.jpg" alt="" width="200" /></p><p><strong>Topics of series </strong>- topical issues of building materials technology and the improvement of their properties by different processing methods, the rational use of materials in the modern construction of buildings and structures, as well as data for the calculation and designing of structures and technological equipment for the life safety systems.</p><p><strong><strong>Editor in chief:</strong></strong> Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor <strong>Laukhin Dmytro Vyacheslavovich</strong> Tel. (0562) 47-02-62.</p><p><strong><strong>Executive Secretary</strong>:</strong> <span>Candidate of Technical Sciences</span>, Assoc. prof. <strong>Rott Nataliya Aleksandrovna</strong> е-mail:<strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>Series: Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction</strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></p><p><img src="/public/site/images/dorofeeva/Обложка_сб_тр_№_84_2015_2.jpg" alt="" width="200" /></p><p><strong>Topics of series </strong>- resource- and energy-saving life-support systems of buildings and structures, the analysis of the internal environment and the evaluating of its quality in the room, as well as protection from harmful factors; environmental issues and computer technologies in construction.</p><p><strong><strong>Executive Secretary</strong>:</strong> <span>Candidate of Technical Sciences</span>, Assoc. prof. <strong>Adehov Oleksandr Valeriyovych</strong> Tel. (0562) 56-34-06, е-mail:</p><p> </p><p><strong>The s</strong><strong>cientific publication</strong><strong> "Construction, materials science, mechanical engineering"</strong> is published on a quarterly basis of 68 conventional printed sheet, circulation of 300-500 copies and signed for printing by the decision of the Academic Council SHEE "Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,"</p><p>The collection numbering continues in sequence, starting with the first.</p> en-US <p><em>Редакція Видання категорично засуджує прояви плагіату</em> в статтях та вживає всіх можливих заходів для його недопущення. Плагіат розглядається як форма порушення авторських прав і наукової етики.</p><p>При виявлені у статті більш ніж 25% запозиченого тексту без відповідних посилань та використання лапок, стаття кваліфікується як така, що містить плагіат. У цьому випадку стаття більше не розглядається редакцією, а автор отримує перше попередження.</p><p>Автори, в статтях яких повторно виявлено плагіат, не зможуть публікуватися в усіх журналах Видавництва ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури».</p><p>Автори, які публікуються у цьому журналі, погоджуються з наступними умовами:<br /><br /></p><ol type="a"><li>Автори залишають за собою право на авторство своєї роботи та передають журналу право першої публікації цієї роботи на умовах ліцензії <a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>, котра дозволяє іншим особам вільно розповсюджувати опубліковану роботу з обов'язковим посиланням на авторів оригінальної роботи та першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.</li><li>Автори мають право укладати самостійні додаткові угоди щодо неексклюзивного розповсюдження роботи у тому вигляді, в якому вона була опублікована цим журналом (наприклад, розміщувати роботу в електронному сховищі установи або публікувати у складі монографії), за умови збереження посилання на першу публікацію роботи у цьому журналі.</li><li>Політика журналу дозволяє і заохочує розміщення авторами в мережі Інтернет (наприклад, у сховищах установ або на особистих веб-сайтах) рукопису роботи, як до подання цього рукопису до редакції, так і під час його редакційного опрацювання, оскільки це сприяє виникненню продуктивної наукової дискусії та позитивно позначається на оперативності та динаміці цитування опублікованої роботи (див. <a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li></ol> (Savytskyi M. V.) (Kotov Mykola) Tue, 25 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 Concept of detailization as a method of increasing the competitiveness of railway transport The <strong><em>Purpose</em></strong> of the author of the article is to develop the scientific basis for assessing the work of the railway track under the influence of rolling stock. For this purpose, a modern method has been developed for determining the rational, from the point of view of the technical use of the path, the relationship between the actual operating conditions of the track, the periodicity of the overhauling schemes, and the characteristics of the track design elements. This will be the basis for creating methods and criteria for estimating and forecasting the operation of the track under the influence of the rolling stock, taking into account the durability and the level of safety integrity of the track and rolling stock interaction. <strong><em>Methodology</em></strong>. To achieve the goal, the principles of statistical mechanics, the theory of elasticity and the propagation of the wave process in describing the interaction of a path and a rolling stock are used. <strong><em>Findings.</em> </strong> The concept of detailing the conditions for the interaction of the rolling stock and the railway track as a way of increasing the competitiveness of the railway transport is proposed. To solve the problems of the need to establish interrelations between the technical and economic aspects of railway transport facilities, a concept is proposed to ensure the completeness of the safety of the railway track design during the service life. The criteria providing interrelation between technical and economic aspects are introduced and the algorithm of a method of an estimation of deformative work of a way on parameters of interaction of a way and a rolling stock is offered. <strong><em>Originality</em></strong><em>.</em> Modern requirements of the competitiveness of railway transport motivate the development of new approaches to ensure the interrelation between the technical and economic aspects of the operation of railway transport facilities. On the basis of such approaches, the cost of safe operation of the railway infrastructure is minimized taking into account the actual operating conditions. The paper proposes the basic principles of railway track work evaluation for the deformative work of the track under the action of the rolling stock, as the basis for classifying the technical conditions of the railway track corresponding to different degrees of reliability. <strong><em>Practical value</em>.</strong> One of the main factors of the impossibility of providing the interrelation between the technical and economic aspects of the operation of railway transport objects is the lack of knowledge about the relationship between the technical states of the elements and the railroad construction, the operating conditions and the periodicity system of the overhauls at the operational stage of its life cycle. This factor requires the introduction of new approaches, criteria and methods of evaluation. Therefore, the proposed concept of detailing the conditions for the interaction of the rolling stock and the railway track, the criteria for the deformative work of the elements and the design of the track, as well as the method for estimating the deformative work of the track in terms of the interaction parameters of the track and the rolling stock allow us to investigate the interrelation of the technical and economic aspects of the operation of railway transport facilities. I. A. Bondarenko Copyright (c) 2021 I. A. Bondarenko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Analytical-stochastic availability model of multi-functional cloud infrastructure <strong><em>Purpose</em></strong>. Analyze stochastic methods for metamodeling of cloud infrastructures (СI) based on conceptual requirements for ensuring their readiness taking into account performance requirements, scalability of the computing resource, energy saving and elasticity of control of the components of the СI. <strong><em>The technique</em></strong>. The analysis of stochastic methods used to model the behavior and assess readiness indicators, the reliability of cloud infrastructures (СI) is performed. As a fundamental basis, the taxonomy of OO metamodeling is considered, which is based on the conceptual foundations of ensuring productivity, resource scalability, energy saving, and elasticity of management of the components of the cloud infrastructure. In addition to the well-known estimation methods using the apparatus of stochastic Petri nets, Markov chains are proposed to focus on the possibility of using semi-Markov modeling methods that contribute to improving the accuracy of evaluating the metrics of the quality of services provided (QoS). <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The proposed taxonomy is a fundamental basis for modeling behavior and assessing the availability and reliability of cloud infrastructures. <strong><em>Scientific novelty</em></strong>. The problem of the lack of methodology for modeling the processes of СI functioning is solved, which is based on a single taxonomic basis of a comprehensive solution to the problem of assessing, analyzing and monitoring the level of readiness of cloud infrastructures. <strong><em>Practical value</em></strong>. The analysis opens up the possibility of using stochastic methods to ensure performance, resource scalability, energy saving and elasticity of management of the components of the cloud infrastructure. The considered methods of modeling can be applied to the selection of optimal architectural solutions in accordance with the established criterion of readiness of cloud infrastructures. V. Don, O. Shibko Copyright (c) 2021 V. Don, O. Shibko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Modeling of production capacity of enterprises which release different ecologically clean products <strong><em>Goal.</em> </strong>When using limited production resources critical and continuous interaction of enterprises in a single production system in the interests of obtaining mutual benefits in solving common problems to meet the needs of society. The production system will work efficiently, if its enterprises will operate stably. The purpose of the work is to investigate the stability of three separate enterprises and their behavior in crisis situations. <strong><em>Method.</em></strong> The output parameter characterizing the enterprise's performance is production capacity. When variable capital intensity of the main production assets of the enterprise, the production capacity is described by the system of two ordinary differential equations of the first order. To analyze the stability of the operation of an enterprise, it is necessary to obtain an analytical solution and a solution in the modeling system. A simulation scheme is formed and the user program is modeled. The simulation results are presented as graphs. In addition, there is a text editor that fixes the numerical data of the simulation results. <strong><em>Results</em></strong>. The analytical solution of the differential equation of production capacity with variable capital stock is obtained. A simulation scheme was created and graphs of production capacity of each enterprise were obtained. Crisis modeling is done for each enterprise. It is established that, despite the significant difference in the parameters of enterprises, their production capacity is not much different. For sustainable operation, enterprises must invest in the development of the main production. Enterprises can work in a single production system. <strong><em>Scientific novelty.</em></strong> A new approach to the formation of production systems is proposed. Before creating a production system, it is necessary to find out the possibilities of entering it: to check the stability of their functioning and behavior in crisis situations. <strong><em>Practical significance.</em></strong> The new approach will increase the efficiency of the production system. M. E. Yevsiukova, N. М. Yershova Copyright (c) 2021 M. E. Yevsiukova, N. М. Yershova Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Development of model of intellectual system of evaluation of professional qualities of abiturients The question of choosing the direction and specialty of study becomes especially relevant at the stage of admission to a higher educational institution. In this paper, a decision support system is developed for entrants who cannot independently determine what they want to do in the future. <strong><em>Goal</em>. </strong>The development of a model and algorithm for training an intellectual system for assessing the professional abilities of university entrants, which is designed to assess their ability to acquire knowledge and skills in a particular industry.<strong> <em>Method.</em> </strong>Increasing the level of automation of the process of assessing the professional abilities of the applicant in the light of natural properties, mental activity and requirements for the profile of a specialist is proposed to be implemented through the introduction of the process of self-actualization of the intellectual system. The basis of the system is the fuzzy neural network Takagi-Sugeno-Kang. The development of input and formalization of output data, as well as the creation of a knowledge base of the system at this stage is left to the experts. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The research of modern methods and means of identification of abilities and achievements of university entrants was conducted. The approach to the development of an intellectual system for assessing the professional abilities of applicants in the choice of the direction of training is proposed. The structure of the system is described, which is intended to assess the possibilities of applicants to the acquisition of knowledge, which are necessary for successful training in the chosen specialty. <strong><em>Scientific novelty</em>.</strong> The input and output parameters of the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang neural network are investigated. The choice of the algorithm of network learning with the teacher is substantiated. The training algorithm is adapted to the decision of the task of assessing the applicant's ability to study in the specialties of the field of knowledge "Information Technologies". Minimization of error is proposed to use direct method of random search. <strong><em>Practical value.</em></strong> The model of the intellectual system of the estimation of professional abilities that is capable of processing the fuzzy data accumulated as a result of communication with the entrant is developed. Practical value from the introduction of such systems is based on the choice of profession, which provides an opportunity to increase competitiveness and improve the quality of the future life of young people. Further work will be aimed at developing fuzzy rules of withdrawal B. Yeremenko, Y. Ryabchun, A. Pachko, H. Ploska Copyright (c) 2021 B. Yeremenko, Y. Ryabchun, A. Pachko, H. Ploska Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Solution of matrix differential Riccati equations in the medium of modeling system of MVTU 3.7 <strong><em>Purpose.</em></strong> For the design of systems under the action of random perturbations, a method of stochastic dynamic programming has been developed. The method is very effective because it allows one to find the optimal control of the parameters of elastic-dissipative connections of the crew suspension as a function of estimating the phase coordinates. The main reason that hinders the widespread use of this method for linear dynamic systems with many degrees of freedom is related to the lack of software for solving the matrix non-linear differential equation of Riccati type, which is included in the algorithm of the method. The aim of the work is to develop modeling schemes for solving differential equations of Riccati type in the system of modeling MVTU 3.7 (modeling in technical devices). <strong><em>The technique.</em></strong> The simulation system of MVTU 3.7 allows studying transient processes in complex dynamic systems and analyzing the stability and stability of oscillatory processes along a phase trajectory. A mathematical model of a dynamic system is created - differential equations, after - a structural diagram of the model and in the environment of MVTU 3.7 a modeling scheme is constructed. MVTU 3.7 has a graphics editor, so the modeling scheme is assembled from library blocks, which is located on the working field. The block parameters, initial conditions, integration method, simulation time, solution accuracy, etc. are set. The simulation results are given in the form of graphs. In addition, there is a text editor that records the numerical data of the simulation results. To solve differential equations like Riccati, a structural scheme is not needed. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> A simulation scheme was created for solving differential equations of Riccati type and correlation functions of the matrix of parameters of the optimal filter were obtained. The simulation of the oscillation process of the body of the 2TE10L locomotive and the filter was performed. It has been established that for the 2TE10L locomotive it is not required to create devices for actively controlling the parameters of elastic-dissipative links. Naukova novelty. A method for solving differential equations in the simulation system of MVTU 3.7 <strong><em>Practical value.</em></strong> The main reason that prevented the widespread use of the method of stochastic dynamic programming has been eliminated and has hampered the development of the theory of creating active suspensions of transport crews. N. Ershova Copyright (c) 2021 N. Ershova Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Hypermedia training system «architecture of civil and public buildings» <strong><em>Purpose of the article.</em></strong> It has been established that a user of computer-aided design (CAD) can effectively solve his tasks only with the active help of a computer. An additional means of enhancing the user's cognitive activity are automatic training system (ATS). They are a complex of software-hardware and educational tools that provide active individual assistance to the user. All people over the world are engaged in the development of such systems nowadays. Therefore, the task of creating CAD training is relevant. The hypermedia systems (GM - system) recently appear. It is a system that uses the most advanced technologies and is designed to increase the efficiency and intensify the processes of interaction between a person and the entire knowledge-related environment. The purpose of the work is to explain the basic concepts of hypertext and the functioning of the GM on the example of the training system «Architecture of civil and public buildings». <strong><em>Methodology of the research. </em></strong>The concepts of elements of the hypertext architecture are given: node, connection, system model, and hypertext database. A brief description of the hypermedia educational system «Architecture of civil and public buildings» is given, which contains information models of building layouts and is used in course design. The information model of a two-storey cottage has 12 modules designed for the planning of the building and its individual parts. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> A hypertext database has been formed, including texts, graphics, calculations, reference data, available technical solutions, video information. <strong><em>Scientific novelty.</em></strong> A hypermedia training system «Architecture of civil and public buildings» was created, which contains information models of building layout. A new philosophy of presentation of the material has been proposed, which makes students learn the world differently and actively participate in the learning process. <strong><em>Practical significance. </em></strong>The training system is used in course design. Training is conducted by a lecturer. Thanks to the visualization, students have the opportunity to present more realistically not only individual, rather complex structural elements and components, but also the technology of construction of the building itself. For clarity, the training process uses educational films that allow students to be on the construction site without leaving the classroom. N. M. Ershova, E. E. Litvin Copyright (c) 2021 N. M. Ershova, E. E. Litvin Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Artificial Neural Networks For Building Projects Cost Estimating <strong><em>Purpose.</em></strong> To form an idea about the use of neural networks for estimating the cost of construction projects. Artificial neural networks are successfully used in solving numerous complex non-linear problems associated with forecasting, evaluation, decision-making, optimization, systematization, and choice in the fields of construction and its management. Artificial neural networks are particularly effective for solving complex problems, such as cost estimation problems, when the relationship between variables cannot be expressed by simple mathematical relationships. <strong><em>The technique.</em></strong> The parametric estimation method is a method in which the statistical evaluation between historical data and other variables is used for valuation. Using this method, you can get a more accurate estimate of the cost, due to the fact that this approach requires a lower level of detail compared to other methodologies. The level of accuracy of the assessment depends on the complexity, the amount of resources allocated for such work and the cost data embedded in the model. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> Cost estimation is one of the most important factors in the management of construction projects. Any feasibility study for a project requires an accurate cost estimate in order to make the right decision about the future fate of the project. Scientific novelty. Improving cost estimation methods contributes to more efficient control of time and expenses in construction. <strong><em>Practical value.</em></strong> The use of artificial neural networks can potentially eliminate some of the main disadvantages of traditional evaluation methods. This gives great prospects for improving the reliability and validity of the method of parametric valuation. A. Zhuravel, N. Velmagina Copyright (c) 2021 A. Zhuravel, N. Velmagina Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Problems of application and automation of methods of evaluation of risks of projects of objects reconstruction <strong><em>The urgency of the problem</em>.</strong> Process of reconstructing objects faces many challenges and risks. The problem of risk assessment in construction is of paramount importance. This is due to erosion of an increasing number of modern structures with extraordinary structural features and loads, increasingly world-wide scales of reconstruction in difficult geotechnical conditions with a high degree of responsibility in reconstruction of capital construction objects. <strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em> </em>- is to identify and consider application and automation of risk assessment of reconstruction projects. <strong><em>Methodology</em>.</strong> The problem of automation of risk assessment of reconstruction projects to date hasn’t been properly addressed. This is largely due to use of technical and economic substantiation of objects of construction and reconstruction of methods for risk assessment, which doesn’t fully take into account the specifics of construction activity of objects and peculiarities of their exploitation. Investigation of existing quantitative and qualitative methods of risk management allows us to conclude that they need to be developed and improved to be used for design, construction, reconstruction, repair of construction objects. This is especially true of risk management in construction activities. The reason for this is changing prices for building materials and construction, transportation and operation of construction machinery, machinery and equipment, transportation of workers to construction sites, travel expenses when performing work in other regions. The brief description of each method is given in article. Features of their application are analyzed and revealed. Problems of use of risk management methodology in the management of building projects are formulated. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em> </strong>To manage and automate risks of reconstruction projects, need to understand scope and objectives of software to use the appropriate automated risk management tool. The automated risk management tool doesn’t guarantee success, but serves main purpose of storing and analyzing identified problems, timely response. Definitely, each project is unique and requires adaptation and adjustment of selected automated tools for its practical implementation. This set of criteria should be defined for each specific project and consider the objectives of the implementation, the objectives of risk management process, the size of the reconstruction project and its needs, the ability to integrate with the required standards and methodologies. A. S. Ishchenko, T. V. Lukianova, A. V. Verba Copyright (c) 2021 A. S. Ishchenko, T. V. Lukianova, A. V. Verba Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Using automated design and project management systems in the building industry <strong>The urgency of the problem.</strong> The construction organization today can not be imagined without a wide application of computer technologies and, in particular, computer-aided design in construction. Programs for designing technological processes in construction and design programs for the organization of construction and installation work allow the implementation of parts of technological projects, create technological documentation, solve problems in technology and construction. Compared with programs designed for design and construction, the design of construction technology, production of building materials and products, as well as the organization of construction have not received wide distribution and popularity in our country. We not only do not know foreign software products of this kind, but our own developments in this area are relatively small. <strong>The purpose</strong> of the work is to evaluate the importance of using modern software systems in the system of managing construction projects. Identify the weaknesses and strengths of the implementation of such complexes in the work of construction organizations. <strong>Statement of the main material.</strong> To solve the problems of management of construction projects, it is proposed to use a special class of software - a system for scheduling and monitoring the implementation of projects or otherwise a project management system. Consequently, these systems support the main processes of time, resource and cost planning and control based on network planning algorithms, the critical path method, the volume mastered method, and the like. The advantages of using the proposed project management system at the project implementation stage is that such systems allow you to store project targets in your project model and enter actual data on the progress of the project. Of course, the output calendar plan "floats". But the system allows you to see these deviations, assess their impact on the project as a whole, lose and choose the best response to the changes, if necessary, reschedule the completion of the project taking into account the new realities, promptly make changes to the project documentation. The project manager gets a tool in his hands not only to monitor the events, but also the ability to predict future events. At the same time, convenient, simple means of generating project reports make it easy to bring the necessary information on the project to all interested persons in the required form. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> The successful functioning of the construction management system, based on the use of software scheduling and control, depends significantly on the completeness and reliability of the source data. Therefore, it is proposed to use information systems that already function in various forms (accounting, budget systems, material accounting programs, etc.), within which much of the information already exists. It is also necessary to combine the information flows generated by different systems. E. Ishchenko, I. Donenko, A. Okhrimenko Copyright (c) 2021 E. Ishchenko, I. Donenko, A. Okhrimenko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Improvement of the estimations of solutions in the semidefinite programmin <strong><em>Purpose</em>.</strong> We develop new methods for solving optimization models of complex systems. Such models arise in technology, artificial intelligence, design, construction and management of complex systems. Solving such optimization problems is a complex computational problem. This problem is to develop effective methods for solving such classes. <strong><em>Methodology.</em></strong> In this paper, we propose to transform the classes of problems to problems of semidefinite programming and to use their solutions for primer-dual interior point methods. We propose an iterative procedure for modifying the corresponding problem of semidefinite programming, which makes it possible to find exact solutions of the original problem. <strong><em>Findings</em>.</strong> To solve the problems of quadratic optimization, semi-definite relaxation and a direct-dual method of the interior point are used. An iterative procedure for modifying semidefinite programming problems is constructed, which makes it possible to obtain an exact solution of the original problem. The obtained results are confirmed by numerical experiments. <strong><em>Originality</em>.</strong> A new methodology for solving complex optimization problems that arise in modeling complex systems using semidefinite relaxation is developed. A sequential modification of the problems of semidefinite optimization is proposed. <strong><em>Practical value</em>.</strong> We considered technique for solving complex quadratic optimization problems is realized in the form of software. Comparative experiments confirm the effectiveness of this technique in solving classes of problems of quadratic optimization. A. I. Kosolap Copyright (c) 2021 A. I. Kosolap Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Optimization of distribution of educational loads of teachers of chair <strong><em>Purpose</em>.</strong> In the work the system of distribution of educational load among teachers of the department is considered. To ensure the quality of education, this task should be solved in an optimal way. The aim of the work is to develop a new optimization model for this task. This model is simpler than existing ones and adequately reflects the process of distribution of the training load. The resulting mathematical model is linear with Boolean variables. <strong><em>Methodology.</em></strong> In this paper, we propose to transform the model considered by means of exact quadratic regularization to the maximization of the Euclidean norm of a vector on a convex set. To solve the transformed problem, an effective direct-dual method of the interior point is used. <strong><em>Findings</em>.</strong> A new technique is proposed for solving the load distribution problems of the teachers of the department on the basis of constructing an optimization model and using the effective method of exact quadratic regularization. This technique is implemented in the form of the corresponding software. <strong><em>Originality</em>.</strong> A new methodology for solving complex optimization problems that arise in the process of modeling and optimizing the tasks of distribution of the teaching load among the teachers of the department is developed. <strong><em>Practical value</em>.</strong> The considered methodology for solving complex optimization problems is implemented in the form of software. Comparative experiments confirm the effectiveness of this technique in solving the tasks of distributing the load of teachers of the department A. I. Kosolap, T. N. Dubovik Copyright (c) 2021 A. I. Kosolap, T. N. Dubovik Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Computer prognosis prices for real estate <strong><em>Goal.</em></strong> Relevant is the creation of a system for analyzing the real estate market. This article is devoted to describing the methods of forecasting apartment prices. <strong><em>Method</em></strong>. Known characteristics of apartments such as: area, number of rooms, total area, living area, material walls (brick, concrete, etc.) Type of house (at what time was built). floor. number of floors in the house, san. the node (joint, separation). The type of heating, as well as knowing the prices of apartments for the past periods, using computer programming, we can predict what the price for apartments will be in the future. <strong><em>Results </em></strong>Systems developed by means of which the descriptions in this article can demonstrate how the price of apartments will change taking into account the required characteristics, and the more used these characteristics, the more accurate it is possible to predict the price of real estate in different parts of the city. <strong><em>Scientific novelty.</em></strong> Forecasting real estate prices is based not on a few criteria, but on a number of characteristics that can greatly affect the value of real estate. <strong><em>Practical significance.</em></strong> The development of systems contributes to expanding the use of computer forecasting in determining the correct price of real estate for future periods. V. O. Kryachun Copyright (c) 2021 V. O. Kryachun Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Simulation of the image shear measurement with subpixel accuracy <strong><em>The purpose of this</em></strong><em> <strong>research</strong></em> was the evaluation of measurement accuracy for image motion in CCD matrix plane while creating a testing technology for thermal stability of technical products made of the carbon fiber reinforced plastic. <strong><em>Methodology.</em></strong> Mathematical modeling methods and digital image analysis (using MATLAB) have been used during the research. The magnitude of the image shear is suggested to be determined from the shift of the reference mark geometric center. Mathematic model of the laser spot digital image is used as a reference mark. <strong><em>Findings</em>.</strong> Modeling technique for sub-pixel shear of a laser spot has been developed. Accuracy estimation of the image shear determination was made during the experiment. Impact of the change in the number of luminance quantization levels by preliminary processing of the original image was investigated for evaluation measurement sensitivity. The correspondence between the informative parameters of the technical image and the parameters characterizing the sub-pixel image shift has been confirmed. <strong><em>Originality</em></strong> of this study is the admission of the problem in controlling the thermostability of products made of carbon reinforced polymer composite materials by measuring the shear of digital images and investigating the effect of image recording conditions on the sensitivity and accuracy of measurements. Modeling techniques confirmed possibility of determining an image shear with sub-pixel accuracy using CCD matrix. <strong><em>Practical value</em>.</strong> The solution of this problem will allow creating new measurement technologies for the input control of parts made of carbon reinforced plastic materials with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Thus, it becomes possible as an output control of large-sized products thermostability, as well as monitoring the dimensional stability of products under operating conditions, including varying humidity conditions. The practical area of this results would be technical vision systems, aerospace technical facilities monitoring, particularly telescopes, truss structures and space-based antennas made of materials with a low coefficient of thermal expansion, as well as the design of digital autocollimators. О. Т. Кudrevatykh, N. О. Quinn, K. S. Dergal Copyright (c) 2021 О. Т. Кudrevatykh, N. О. Quinn, K. S. Dergal Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Development of automated information-search system of accounting of confisced cars <strong><em>Purpose.</em></strong> To form an idea about the analyze the current state of automated banking systems, methods and tools for designing automated systems. The use of modern information technology has a cardinal effect and changes the business processes in banks, bringing them to a fundamentally different level. Banking technologies are inextricably linked with information technologies that provide comprehensive automation of business. <strong><em>The technique.</em></strong> Effective enterprise management in modern conditions is impossible without the use of computer technology. Information system - an interrelated set of tools, methods and personnel used for storing, processing and issuing information in order to achieve the goal. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> In this study the current state of automated banking systems, methods and means of designing automated systems were analyzed. <strong><em>Scientific novelty</em></strong>. Improving cost estimation methods contributes to more efficient control of time and expenses in construction. <strong><em>Practical value.</em></strong> The development of computer technology and information technology allowed the creation of the majority of banks own computing complexes, on the basis of which were automated the main areas of banking activity. The deepening of the automation of the functioning of banking and other financial structures is accompanied by the improvement of the technology of banking operations and increased levels of controllability. I. Markin, O. Shibko Copyright (c) 2021 I. Markin, O. Shibko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Combined use of projects expert, excel projects for projects management An article aimed at substantiating the criteria for evaluating the managerial feasibility of investment plans for projects at the stage of their development using the capabilities of existing software systems Project Expert, Excel. <strong><em>Formulation of the problem.</em></strong> Standard programs aimed at ensuring the implementation of certain calculations for the development of project schedules use existing methods and models, but when new ones are developed, or existing ones are improved, they are not able to implement them. <strong><em>The presentation of the material.</em></strong> In this case, one approach could be an approach based on the combined use of existing programs, when the source data of one of them is the input to the other. The existing Project Expert software package allows you to build a work schedule within the project, calculate performance indicators, balance the need for material and financial resources, meet the conditions for ensuring the resource and financial feasibility of the project. <br /> Recent scientific studies have supplemented the list of factors of feasibility by a factor of managerial realizability, which is not taken into account in the existing capabilities of this software package. The algorithm for calculating managerial feasibility parameters meets the capabilities of Microsoft Excel, so the task arose of creating a system for calculating project feasibility factors based on a combination of these two software products. Conclusion. The proposed approach makes it possible to take into account the increase in deregulation in time. V. R. Mlodetskiy, T. V. Tkach, K. A. Sepyk Copyright (c) 2021 V. R. Mlodetskiy, T. V. Tkach, K. A. Sepyk Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Automatic system of accounting and analysis of production <strong><em>Purpose</em>. </strong>In factories dealing with the packaging of food, medical, metallurgical and other products, there often arises the question of the inconsistency of the initial quantity of raw materials and finished products. Most often there is a situation when all the information is recorded manually and it all depends on the person - how much was this or that product put in the shipping packaging, and how much was recorded in the accounting journal. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a weighing equipment with the possibility of remote acquisition of information <strong><em>Methodology</em></strong>. On the basis of the existing packing line with installed weighing equipment, a structure was developed, equipment was selected and software was created for the system for remote collection, analysis and weighing of products. <strong><em>Findings</em>. </strong>The structure of the automatic system for accounting and analysis of products was created, developed using the C # language software for its functioning. <strong><em>Practical value</em>. </strong>The automatic system was introduced at the enterprise of Ltd SPE "Dzherelo" and successfully functions. The proposed system can become a temporary economic solution on the way to full automation of the accounting process for small and medium-sized businesses. E. A. Ponomaryova, A. V. Basko Copyright (c) 2021 E. A. Ponomaryova, A. V. Basko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Diagnostics automation the possibility of parametric resonance as an element of management of the rising mine complexes <strong><em>Purpose.</em></strong> One of the urgent problems that arise in the domestic iron ore mines in the process of their production activity is the high probability of the occurrence of parametric resonance when moving the lifting vessels along the shafts. Lifting vessels (skips) represent massive vehicles weighing up to 80 tons with weight, skips moving at a speed of 8-11 m / s, have a length of up to 25 g and a cross-sectional area of up to 4 m, the volume of the skip body reaches up to 100.0 m3. When they move along the guide conductors of mine reinforcement along a vertical route, the skips begin to oscillate in a horizontal plane. Usually these oscillations are chaotic, and these oscillations are not dangerous in the absence of exceeding a certain amplitude limit. However, non-stationary oscillations of skips can go into the mode of vibration oscillations with energy accumulation and a rapid increase in the amplitude of oscillations under certain conditions for the initiation of movement of skips and the state of guide conductors. Under such conditions, the scop which is an elastic structure can enter into a state of resonant oscillations and carry out strong blows to the reinforcement. As a result, the reinforcement may collapse and an accident will occur. At this time in the practice of iron ore mining production there are no means of diagnosing the possibility of the occurrence of parametric resonance along the route of the lifting vessels along the shafts of mines. This has extremely negative consequences on the cause of the accident rate of the operation of the mine lifting systems. <strong><em>Results. </em></strong>The authors carried out relevant studies and for the first time developed an experimental version of a computer diagnostic complex that is able to detect, according to the results of measurements, potentially dangerous sections along the route of the lifting vessels as far as possible for the occurrence of parametric resonance on them. <strong><em>Practical value.</em></strong>Industrial tests of this complex were performed, which showed its reliability and validity of the measurement results on the basis of signs of the presence of areas in which vibrational vibrations were consistently repeated. This indicates the potential hazard of such areas. According to the test results, the authors continue to work on the improvement of the elements of this complex and the development of regulatory and operational documentation. S. О. Popov, R. A. Timchenko, D. A. Krishko Copyright (c) 2021 S. О. Popov, R. A. Timchenko, D. A. Krishko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Parametric modeling in various graphic <strong><em>The goal</em></strong> - improving engineering training students, through improved training techniques used today in high school, as a result of the widespread introduction in the educational process of electronic charting software. As a result, the development of which students will be able to perform all graphics tasks, applicable to the requirements of information modeling.<strong> <em>The technique</em></strong> - The newest information technologies in teaching allow greater use of scientific and educational potential of leading universities and institutions to attract teachers to create distance learning courses, to expand the audience of students for active use of innovative features, such as graphics packages. <strong><em>Results</em></strong> - mastering students' skills in parametric modeling. <strong><em>Scientific novelty</em></strong> is the introduction into the educational process of innovative technologies in parametric modeling in various graphic environments. <strong><em>Practical significance</em></strong> - Information technology is a combination of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated into the technological chain that provides the collection, processing, storage, transmission and display of information, allowing on a systematic basis to organize the optimal interaction between the teacher and the student in order to achieve the result learning. In addition, the teacher should be informed about the technical means and software that will be available to him when the training process is supported, so that future engineers can use in their workflow all the advantages of information modeling technology in particular parametric. Materials are introduced into the educational process of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics. It is intended for students of specialties "Construction and civil engineering", "Automotive transport", "Branch machinery" of day and distance learning forms. E. V. Siedleckaya Copyright (c) 2021 E. V. Siedleckaya Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Operational reliability management of petroleum reservoirs <strong><em>Purpose.</em> </strong>In the framework of the current system of maintenance and repair of petroleum reservoirs to develop a method for constructing effective schedules for the technical diagnostics of these structures during operation <strong><em>Raising of problem</em>.</strong> The content and frequency of technical diagnostics of petroleum reservoirs (RVS) are regulated by the current regulatory documents. However, from the point of view of economic efficiency, the relevant questions with regard to the particular reservoir (or reservoirs park) under the conditions of a particular petroleum depot require further investigation. Such a situation, which has developed in the practice of audits of the technical condition of RVS in service in Ukraine, requires the development of new mathematical models and methods that adequately reflect the essence of the problem of effective management of operational reliability of the facilities in question. <strong><em>Methodology</em></strong>.The article proposes a model of management of operational reliability of RVS based on the minimum of total operating costs, which is formulated in terms of the problem of nonlinear mathematical programming with binary variables. For the numerical realization of this model, a special algorithm based on the principles of constructing "greedy" algorithms was developed, using which economically rational intervals for carrying out technical inspections of the reservoir with a volume of 5000 m<sup>3</sup>, depending on the required level of operational reliability.. <strong><em>Conclusions.</em></strong> The proposed optimization model for managing the operational reliability of petroleum reservoirs makes it possible to form economically rational strategies for auditing their technical condition over a given service life. This model can be useful in the practice of planning revisions of the technical condition of the RVS both at the initial and at any other stage of the operation process. In addition, this model can be used in reliability problems both for individual reservoir and parks of such reservoirs. S. N. Semenets, S. S. Nasonova, Yu. E. Vlasenko, L. Yu. Krivenkova Copyright (c) 2021 S. N. Semenets, S. S. Nasonova, Yu. E. Vlasenko, L. Yu. Krivenkova Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Finite element modeling of disc brake elements interaction <strong><em>Purpose</em>.</strong> Experience in the operation of the brakes of vehicles shows the presence of wear and damage, the appearance of which does not fully satisfy to the results of analytical computations. Existing methods of numerical analysis make it possible to perform computations the contact interaction of a disk and a brake pad only by using high-performance computers. The purpose of this research is to develop numerical solution methods for computations the dynamic contact interaction of bodies simulating the elements of braking systems which can be realized on a personal computer. <strong><em>Methodology</em></strong>. Finite element modeling of the dynamic contact interaction of brake disk with a brake pad in the ANSYS / LS-DYNA software is proposed. It was assumed that the materials of the disc and the pad have elastoplastic properties. When creating a finite element grid, an eight-node volumetric element SOLID164 and a four-layer shell SHELL163 are used. <strong><em>Findings</em>.</strong> The allocation of stresses and plastic deformations on the contact surfaces of the brake disc and pad is determined for different mesh splitting of the finite elements. It is shown that extremes of plastic deformations are observed near the nodes of a larger finite element mesh. Dependences of the dimension of plastic deformation at different points of brake disk versus time are presented. It is shown that the first and second disk rotations make the main contribution to plastic deformations. <strong><em>Originality</em>.</strong> A method for the finite element solution of the problem of dynamic contact interaction of disc brake elements has been developed, which makes it possible to estimate the values of the maximum allowable deformations, and the forces of pressing the brake pad, in which plastic deformations will not be observed. <strong><em>Practical value</em>.</strong> The application of the developed method for solving the dynamic contact problem allows for simulation on personal computers that do not have high performance. The obtained results can be used in the development of new designs of disc brake elements with improved tribotechnical properties. V. A. Sukhanova Copyright (c) 2021 V. A. Sukhanova Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Modeling the impact of impulse loads on protections of sports fields Every sportsman and trainer know that training is unthinkable without suitable for them territory. In order that training did not interfere with surrounding, the literate protection of the soccer field is needed. Sporting protections allow to create comfortable and ergonomics space, with a rumour use every meter of area. All protections (sporting and domestic) must be durable, that requires knowledge of their work at meeting with a ball<strong>. <em>Purpose.</em></strong> The study of the stress-strain state of the grid and the work of the construction of the fence of a football field when sport equipment is hit in them. Such data will help to define her capacity and wear proofness<em>. <strong>Methodology</strong></em>. The dynamic loading is loading, characterized by rapid time-history her value, direction or point of appendix and defiant considerable forces of inertia in the elements of construction. The dynamic loading test the details of impactors, such, as presses, hammers and т. of д. The details of crank-type-piston-rod mechanisms also test during work the considerable dynamic loading from the change of size and direction of speeds, id est presence of accelerations.<strong><em> Result</em></strong><em>.</em> Retrieving football grid distortion data ( VAT) . All calculations were carried out in the software package "LIRA". <strong><em>Originality.</em></strong> The study of the impact of shock load on the fence, creating a model of hitting the ball into the net. <strong><em>Practical </em></strong><strong><em>value.</em></strong> Determination of mesh wear resistance under various loads. D. S. Fesenko Copyright (c) 2021 D. S. Fesenko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Design of the site's structure «university management system» The main goal of this work is the development of specialized web-resources to ensure high-quality access to educational informations by students, teachers and parents. This article is devoted to the development of the structure of the site "University Management System", which can be attributed to a completely new type, realizes the possibility of interaction and access to educational and scientific informations of students, teachers and parents. <strong><em>Method</em>.</strong> The use of a hierarchical model for the development of IT projects has been substantiated. <strong><em>Results</em>.</strong> In the article was provided an overview of the existing school management systems. By analyzing the existing school management systems, was identified some disadvantages like the lack of interaction with parents at the school management system level. Based on the analysis, a technical task was developed for the development of the University Management System website. The roles of users are highlighted: “student”, “teacher”, “administrator”, “parents” and are described. The diagrams of use cases, classes of the site “University Management System” are constructed. A database project has been developed, the main tables are “Users”, “Students”, “Teachers”, “Parents”, “Subjects”, “Attendance”, “Marks” and the relations between them are described. The HTTP protocol is chosen as the data access architecture. Development software - CodeIgniter framework, programming language - PHP. The CodeIgniter structure is based on Model-View-Controller. The project devolpment and design can be considered so unique in a way to allow interaction and access to educational and scientific informations of students, teachers and parents within the framework of the school management system. <strong><em>Practical significance.</em> </strong>The project of the site “University Management System” is intended for transmission to the customer for development. W. Hannachi, T. V. Seliverstova Copyright (c) 2021 W. Hannachi, T. V. Seliverstova Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Selection of сategorical parameters in modeling systems The goal is to develop a methodology for working with factors that have several categorical levels to select one of the levels as a parameter of the simulated system. <strong><em>The technique</em></strong>. To select a parameter, statistical data are used, obtained either as a result of observations or as a result of a reusable simulation model run and, therefore, methods of mathematical statistics are used to achieve the goal. A multiple regression model is considered for categorical factors, the levels of which are presented as dummy variables. <strong><em>Results.</em></strong> The application of the proposed method allows not only to assess the effect of the factors and carry out a pair-wise comparative analysis of their levels, but also to determine one level of each categorical factor that is the best under these conditions. <strong><em>Scientific novelty</em></strong>. The proposed method makes it possible to reduce the problem of choosing a category parameter of the system being modeled to a regression analysis problem with subsequent testing for optimality of the regression function. The final choice of the parameter as one of the category levels in the case of two factors is found as a solution to the problem of nonlinear programming. <strong><em>Practical significance</em></strong>. The choice of parameters in the preparation of the system model is one of the main stages. There is no particular problem when it comes to parameters that take numerical values: for this purpose, the methods of mathematical statistics for testing hypotheses of expectation and two-sample criteria are used. In the case when the factor has several categorical (non-numeric) levels, dispersive analysis is used to analyze their influence, which makes it impossible to solve the problem with parameter selection. The proposed method allows you to make such a choice. L. V. Tsybriy, Yu. V. Valenko Copyright (c) 2021 L. V. Tsybriy, Yu. V. Valenko Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Methodology of the process design of gross product output of an enterprise The methods for designing the process of gross product output of an enterprise, based on the stochastic method of dynamic programming for continuous deterministic systems was created. The selection of weight factors of quadratic quality functional was substantiated, the dependence between parameters of design and weight factors was established, and the region of optimum values of design parameters was determined, the optimal filter of the process of gross product output of an enterprise was obtained. Modeling of the process of gross product output with optimum values of coefficients of growth and retirement of basic production assets. Production capacity is determined by the output at the achieved level of organization and production technology. The shape of production capacity graphs changes noticeably even with minor changes in parameters, i.e., capacity is sensitive to changes in the state of a firm. Design parameters are determined by the matrix method of dynamic programming. Based on the concepts of observability and controllability, it has been established that the process of producing a gross product of an enterprise is subject to management. By modeling and calculations, it was proved that using the matrix method of dynamic programming, one can obtain analytical dependencies for growth and retirement coefficients, as well as calculate the regions of their optimal values, i.e. The production capacity of an enterprise can be the main indicator of the characteristics of the life cycle of an enterprise. The technique should be used when designing the process of producing a gross product of enterprises, its implementation will reduce the design time and ensure the stability of the process of producing a gross product. O. Shibko, N. Ershova, N. Velmagina Copyright (c) 2021 O. Shibko, N. Ershova, N. Velmagina Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200 Method of determining the duration of the project given uncertainty <strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em>.</em> In any project management task, it is important to know its duration. It depends, obviously, on the duration of all the works that are part of the project. The duration of each work for similar projects can be determined on the basis of statistical data, if any. However, in this case, the estimate of the duration of some work as an average of the available sample will be inaccurate. In projects of creating new technologies, there are many non-standard works, and in this case the determination of their duration is much more complicated. In this case, it is advisable to use the representation of the duration of the project as a random variable. Then the duration of the project will also be a random variable, which corresponds to the real situation. The purpose of this work is to determine the probability interval for the duration of the project, which allows considering the risks in its implementation. This problem is solved for projects consisting of a sequence of works, some of which are parallel to other works. <strong><em>The technique</em></strong>. Due to the fact that for this type of project its duration is a non-linear function of the duration of work, it is analytically impossible to determine the distribution function. Therefore, it is proposed to solve the problem numerically using the Monte Carlo method. The calculations are made in the environment of the spreadsheet processor MS Excel, which is widely used in engineering and economic calculations. <strong><em>Results</em></strong><em>.</em> For a particular project, a probabilistic simulation model has been developed, which allowed determining the project’s deadline for the implementation of the project, which with a high probability (95%) will not be exceeded. Scientific novelty. It is shown that it is possible to take into account the uncertainty of the timing of the project, using its simulation model. Thus, it is possible to take into account the risks associated with the implementation of the project as a whole and its parts. <strong><em>Practical value</em></strong> Knowledge of the reliable duration of the project allows the project organization to plan its work more efficiently: to better distribute the resources of the designers, to increase their productivity. A. A. Yarmolaev, A. S. Korkhin Copyright (c) 2021 A. A. Yarmolaev, A. S. Korkhin Tue, 27 Nov 2018 00:00:00 +0200