The rationale for the management industrial risk


  • А. S. Belikov State higher educational institution "Dnieper state Academy of construction and architecture", Chernyshevsky 24-a, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • N. A. Kasyanov Kyiv national University of construction and architecture, vozdukhoflotsky prospect 31, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • O. N. Gunchenko State University of telecommunications, Str 7, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Y. A. Yshchenko East Ukrainian National University named V. Dahl, Central avenue, 59a, 93406, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


occupational safety, research methods, indicators of production risk, the company, failures, accidents, occupational disease


Goal. In our time when performing procedures related to the entry of Ukraine into the EU and the wider access of its products to the European market, particularly important methodological issues of the improvement of the safety management system of labor protection(MSLP) by providing a riskbased approach when evaluating the state of labour protection on the object of management. Therefore, the main aim of the article is the study of the ways and directions of improvement of methods and tools to measure production risk. Methods. The method is based on National research Institute of labor protection and industrial safety (NSRILP) developed the project "the concept of economic safety management and regulation of industrial safety. The problem, the solution of which is envisaged in the "Concept ..." is the limitation of exposure of hazards to personnel, population and environment norms through the development and implementation of legal acts aimed at implementation of mechanisms to stimulate employers to improve working conditions and organization of production processes with the risk of accidents, occupational accidents and occupational diseases within acceptable levels, and employees – to make a conscious attitude to personal safety and the safety of others. Results. Studies performed in the Ukraine for the last time, including under the supervision and with the participation of the authors, changed the understanding of the necessity to comply with international regulations regarding the priority indicators of production risk to the real state of labor protection at the enterprise. Based on the results of theoretical and experimental determination of its performance through the risk based approach: improved, with the use of a software product with a database that is constantly updated, information-analytical component of the MSLP of industrial enterprise; the estimated experimental models of safety management of emergency rehabilitation and repair and construction works on liquidation of consequences of collapse of building structures; improved software product MSLP for press-forging production (PFP), that simplifies the disclosure of the mechanism of formation of a causal relationship of the process of emergence and change performance risk by determining the total of the impact factors of the working environment and psycho-physiological capabilities of the human operator. The scientific novelty and practical significance. An improved method for the analysis of threatening dangers, based on the causal model of the accident and the means of their detection, as components of production systems that characterize the interaction of human, machine and environment that allows us to represent the actual state of these systems as the basis for defining the objectives of protection, development, implementation of activities on labor protection and control of their efficiency; improved mathematical model of changes in production risk in the workplace in the PFP influenced by the "technical" and "human" failures, which allows the MSLP, using the "fault tree", to determine its performance and the areas of their growth when developing and planning the locations of equipment.

Author Biographies

А. S. Belikov, State higher educational institution "Dnieper state Academy of construction and architecture", Chernyshevsky 24-a, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Department of safety

N. A. Kasyanov, Kyiv national University of construction and architecture, vozdukhoflotsky prospect 31, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine

Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Department of labor protection and the environment

O. N. Gunchenko, State University of telecommunications, Str 7, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine

Cand. Sc.(Tech), Assoc., Department of life safety and labour protection

Y. A. Yshchenko, East Ukrainian National University named V. Dahl, Central avenue, 59a, 93406, Severodonetsk, Ukraine

Assoc., Department of labour protection and life safety


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Статья поступила в редколлегию 11.07.2016





Life Safety