The effect of the annealing regime on the microstructure and hardness of high-chromium cast irons with an increased content of austenite-forming elements


  • Yu. G. Chabak asp., Ukraine


Microstructure, annealing, cast iron, hardness.


The effect of annealing regimes on the microstructural state and hardness of high-chromium cast irons with an increased content of Mn and Ni is investigated. It is shown that when heated to temperatures of 750 and 950 оС and cooled at speeds from 150 to 20 оС / ч in cast iron, the ferrite-carbide matrix with granular carbides does not form. The hardness of cast iron as a result of this annealing is 46-61 HRC, which does not meet the requirements of ensuring high machinability by cutting.

Author Biography

Yu. G. Chabak, asp.

GVUZ "Priazovsky State Technical University"


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov